fleece fabric

fleece fabric
начесное трикотажное полотно

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • fleece´like — fleece «flees», verb, fleeced, fleec|ing, noun. –v.t. 1. to strip of money or belongings; rob or cheat: »The gamblers fleeced him of all his money. SYNONYM(S): plunder, victimize. 2. to cut the fleece from …   Useful english dictionary

  • fleece´a|ble — fleece «flees», verb, fleeced, fleec|ing, noun. –v.t. 1. to strip of money or belongings; rob or cheat: »The gamblers fleeced him of all his money. SYNONYM(S): plunder, victimize. 2. to cut the fleece from …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fleece — may refer to: * The woolen coat of a domestic sheep, especially after having been sheared (but before being processed into yarn or thread); * A general term for a soft bulky fabric with deep pile. * Polar fleece, a modern synthetic material used… …   Wikipedia

  • fleece — [flēs] n. [ME flees < OE fleos, akin to Ger vlies < IE base * pleus , to pluck out > L pluma, a feather, down] 1. the wool covering a sheep or similar animal 2. the amount of wool cut from a sheep in one shearing 3. a covering like a… …   English World dictionary

  • fleece — ► NOUN 1) the wool coat of a sheep. 2) a soft, warm fabric with a pile, or a garment made from this. ► VERB informal ▪ defraud, especially by overcharging. DERIVATIVES fleeced adjective fleecy adjective. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • fleece — [[t]flis[/t]] n. v. fleeced, fleec•ing 1) the coat of wool that covers a sheep or a similar animal 2) the wool shorn from a sheep at one shearing 3) something resembling a fleece 4) tex a) a fabric with a thick, fleecelike pile or nap, used for… …   From formal English to slang

  • fleece — [[t]fli͟ːs[/t]] fleeces, fleecing, fleeced 1) N COUNT A sheep s fleece is the coat of wool that covers it. 2) N COUNT A fleece is the wool that is cut off one sheep in a single piece. 3) VERB If you fleece someone, you get a lot of money from… …   English dictionary

  • fleece — fleeceable, adj. fleeceless, adj. fleecelike, adj. fleecer, n. /flees/, n., v., fleeced, fleecing. n. 1. the coat of wool that covers a sheep or a similar animal. 2. the wool shorn from a sheep at one shearing. 3. something resembling a fleece: a …   Universalium

  • fleece — /flis / (say flees) noun 1. the coat of wool that covers a sheep or some similar animal. 2. the wool shorn from a sheep at one time. 3. something resembling a fleece: a fleece of hair. 4. a fabric with a soft, silky pile, used for warmth, as for… …  

  • fleece — n. & v. n. 1 a the woolly covering of a sheep or a similar animal. b the amount of wool sheared from a sheep at one time. 2 something resembling a fleece, esp.: a a woolly or rough head of hair. b a soft warm fabric with a pile, used for lining… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fabric — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. cloth, textile, material, tissue; structure, framework. See production, materials, crossing, texture. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Material] Syn. cloth, textile, stuff; see cloth . 2. [Basic structure] Syn …   English dictionary for students

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