Flection — Flec tion, n. [See {Flexion}.] 1. The act of bending, or state of being bent. [1913 Webster] 2. The variation of words by declension, comparison, or conjugation; inflection. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flection — var of FLEXION … Medical dictionary
flection — [flek′shən] n. [L flexio < pp. of flectere, to bend] 1. a bending; flexing 2. a bend or bent part 3. Anat. FLEXION 4. Gram. inflection … English World dictionary
flection — US var. of FLEXION. * * * flection, al, less see flex … Useful english dictionary
flection — См. flessione … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
flection — flectional, adj. flectionless, adj. /flek sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of bending. 2. the state of being bent. 3. a bend; bent part. 4. Anat. flexion. 5. Gram. inflection (def. 2). Also, esp. Brit … Universalium
flection — noun a) The state of being bent or flexed. b) Deviation from straightness … Wiktionary
flection — Synonyms and related words: S curve, angle, angularity, angularness, bend, bending, bow, bowing, conflexure, crease, creasing, crimp, crookedness, deflection, deflexure, diffraction, diffusion, dispersion, distortion, dog ear, double, doubling,… … Moby Thesaurus
flection — flec·tion || flekʃn n. act of bending; being bent; bend, curvature; inflection (Grammar) … English contemporary dictionary
flection — flec·tion … English syllables
flection — /ˈflɛkʃən/ (say flekshuhn) noun 1. Also, flexion. the act of bending. 2. Also, flexion. the state of being bent. 3. Also, flexion. a bend; a bent part. 4. → flexion (def. 1). 5. Grammar → …