Смотреть что такое "flawy" в других словарях:
Flawy — Flaw y, a. 1. Full of flaws or cracks; broken; defective; faulty. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. Subject to sudden flaws or gusts of wind. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flawy — I. ˈflȯi, ȯē adjective (often er/ est) Etymology: flaw (I) + y : full of flaws (as cracks) : defective a flawy lot of pottery II. adje … Useful english dictionary
flawy — See flaw2. * * * … Universalium
flawy — adj. full of flaws; defective, faulty; broken; subject to unexpected gusts of wind … English contemporary dictionary
flawy — a. 1. Faulty, defective, full of flaws or cracks. 2. Gusty … New dictionary of synonyms
Bawr — Alexandrine Sophie Goury de Champgrand, Gräfin von Saint Simon, Baronin von Bawr (* 8. Oktober 1773 in Paris[1]; † 31. Dezember 1860 ebenda) war eine französische Schriftstellerin und Komponistin, die auch unter dem Kurznamen Sophie von Bawr… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sophie von Bawr — Alexandrine Sophie Goury de Champgrand, Gräfin von Saint Simon, Baronin von Bawr (* 8. Oktober 1773 in Paris[1]; † 31. Dezember 1860 ebenda) war eine französische Schriftstellerin und Komponistin, die auch unter dem Kurznamen Sophie von Bawr… … Deutsch Wikipedia
flaw — flaw1 flawless, adj. flawlessly, adv. flawlessness, n. /flaw/, n. 1. a feature that mars the perfection of something; defect; fault: beauty without flaw; the flaws in our plan. 2. a defect impairing legal soundness or validity … Universalium
airy — Synonyms and related words: Barmecidal, Barmecide, Olympian, adulterated, aeolian, aerial, aeriform, aerodynamic, aerostatic, aery, air built, airish, airlike, airy, alfresco, altitudinous, animated, apparent, apparitional, ascending, asinine,… … Moby Thesaurus
blasty — Synonyms and related words: aeolian, airish, airy, blowy, blustering, blusterous, blustery, boreal, breezy, brisk, drafty, favonian, flawy, fresh, gusty, puffy, squally, windy … Moby Thesaurus
blowy — Synonyms and related words: aeolian, airish, airy, blasty, blustering, blusterous, blustery, boreal, breezy, brisk, drafty, favonian, flawy, fresh, gusty, puffy, squally, windy … Moby Thesaurus