
ˈflætˈfutɪd прил.
1) мед. плоскостопный
2) а) амер.;
разг. решительный, твердый б) откровенный, прямолинейный, честный He described a situation in an honest flat-footed way. ≈ Он честно, откровенно и без прикрас описал сложившуюся ситуацию. Syn : forthright
3) а) разг. неуклюжий;
туповатый б) скучный, неинтересный (о манере писать, говорить и т.д.) Syn : pedestrian страдающий плоскостопием ходящий вперевалку плоскодонный (американизм) (сленг) твердо стоящий на ногах;
прямой - he had an honest * way of saying a thing он всегда выражался ясно и недвусмысленно (спортивное) неподвижный (об игроке) > to catch * захватить врасплох;
застать на месте преступления (американизм) (сленг) открыто, решительно;
категорически - he came out * for the measure он открыто выступил за это мероприятие flat-footed разг. неуклюжий;
туповатый ~ мед. плоскостопный ~ амер. разг. решительный, твердый;
he came out flat-footed for the measure он полностью, решительно поддержал это мероприятие ~ амер. разг. решительный, твердый;
he came out flat-footed for the measure он полностью, решительно поддержал это мероприятие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flat-footed" в других словарях:

  • flat-footed — [flat′foot΄id] adj. 1. having flatfoot 2. designating a manner of walking, with the toes pointed outward, as by people with flatfoot ☆ 3. Informal downright and firm; plain and uncompromising 4. Informal …   Universalium

  • Flat-footed — Flat foot ed, a. 1. Having a flat foot, with little or no arch of the instep; suffering from fallen arches. [WordNet sense 3] [1913 Webster] 2. Firm footed; determined. [Slang, U.S.] [1913 Webster] 3. clumsy; amateurish; pedestrian;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flat-footed — adj 1.) having flat feet 2.) informal moving in an awkward way = ↑clumsy ▪ The defence looked flat footed as Sutton scored easily. 3.) catch sb flat footed AmE to surprise someone so that they cannot do something in the way they ought to = ↑catch …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flat-footed — [flat′foot΄id] adj. 1. having flatfoot 2. designating a manner of walking, with the toes pointed outward, as by people with flatfoot ☆ 3. Informal downright and firm; plain and uncompromising 4. Informal a) awkward or clumsy b) tedious, plodding …   English World dictionary

  • flat-footed — c.1600, with flat feet; meaning unprepared is from 1912, U.S. baseball slang, on notion of not on one s toes; earlier in U.S. colloquial use it meant straightforwardly, downright (1828), from notion of standing firmly …   Etymology dictionary

  • flat-footed — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having flat feet. 2) informal clumsy …   English terms dictionary

  • flat-footed — 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ, ADJ n, ADJ after v If you are flat footed, the arches of your feet are too low. All babies look flat footed and when they walk the whole sole touches the ground... He ll grow up flat footed. 2) ADJ GRADED: ADJ n, v link …   English dictionary

  • flat-footed — {adj.}, {informal} 1. Straightforward; forthright; direct; outright. * /The governor issued a flat footed denial of the accusation./ * /He came out flat footed against the idea./ 2. Not ready; not prepared; usually used with catch . * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flat-footed — {adj.}, {informal} 1. Straightforward; forthright; direct; outright. * /The governor issued a flat footed denial of the accusation./ * /He came out flat footed against the idea./ 2. Not ready; not prepared; usually used with catch . * /The… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • flat-footed — I. adjective Date: 1601 1. affected with flatfoot; broadly walking with a dragging or shambling gait 2. a. firm and well balanced on the feet b. free from reservation ; forthright < had an honest flat footed way of saying a thing > 3. not ready …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flat-footed — adj informal 1. Straightforward; forthright; direct; outright. The governor issued a flat footed denial of the accusation. He came out flat footed against the idea. 2. Not ready; not prepared; usually used with catch . The teacher s question… …   Словарь американских идиом

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