flat tab
Смотреть что такое "flat tab" в других словарях:
tab´u|lar|ly — tab|u|lar «TAB yuh luhr», adjective. 1. of tables or lists. 2. entered in a table or arranged in lists; written or printed in columns: »tabular data. 3. (of a quantity) read from or calculated by means of tables. 4. flat like a table: »a tabular… … Useful english dictionary
tab|u|lar — «TAB yuh luhr», adjective. 1. of tables or lists. 2. entered in a table or arranged in lists; written or printed in columns: »tabular data. 3. (of a quantity) read from or calculated by means of tables. 4. flat like a table: »a tabular rock. 5.… … Useful english dictionary
Tâb — is the Egyptian name of a running fight board game played in several Arab countries, or a family of similar board games played in Northern Africa and South western Asia, from Persia to West Africa and from Turkey to Somalia, where a variant… … Wikipedia
tab — tab1 [tab] n. [< ?] 1. a small, flat loop, strap, or metal ring fastened to something for pulling it, hanging it up, etc. 2. a small, often ornamental, flap or piece fastened to the edge or surface as of a dress, coat, etc. 3. an attached or… … English World dictionary
tab|let — «TAB liht», noun, verb, let|ed, let|ing or let|ted, let|ting. –n. 1. a number of sheets of writing paper fastened together at one edge, often with a stiff back and a cover; … Useful english dictionary
tab — I. /tæb / (say tab) noun 1. a small flap, strap, loop, or similar appendage, as on a garment, etc. 2. a tag or label. 3. Aeronautics a hinged portion at the trailing edge of an aileron, elevator, or other control surface on an aircraft. 4. a… …
flat — Synonyms and related words: 3 D, Pullman, Pullman car, abeyant, absolute, absolutely, absonant, accented, accidental, accommodation, accordant, accumbent, achromatic, achromic, act drop, admitting no exception, alabaster, alike, alkali flat, all… … Moby Thesaurus
tab — Synonyms and related words: a reckoning of, account, account of, act drop, afterpart, afterpiece, amount, appoint, asbestos, asbestos board, assign, backdrop, batten, bilge, bill, bill of account, bill of lading, blain, bleb, blister, blob,… … Moby Thesaurus
tab washer — A washer with a projection that may be hammered against a flat side of a nut, or into a hole in the surface, or over an edge, in order to secure the nut to the surface on which it bears … Dictionary of automotive terms
tab·let — /ˈtæblət/ noun, pl lets [count] 1 : a flat piece of stone, clay, or wood that has writing on it an ancient stone tablet 2 : a small usually round piece of medicine aspirin/vitamin tablets 3 chiefly US : a set of paper sheets … Useful english dictionary
Finger tab — A finger tab or Archer Tab used in archery is a small leather or synthetic patch that protects an archer s fingers from the bowstring. It is usually strapped to an archer s hand. In summertime, tabs are far more comfortable than gloves. They can… … Wikipedia