- flat contrast
- слабый контраст (изображения)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
flat — flat1 [flat] adj. flatter, flattest [ME < ON flatr, akin to OHG flaz < IE * plāt, plēt , wide, flat (> Gr platys, broad, OE flet, floor) < base * plā , broad] 1. having a smooth, level surface; having little or no depression or… … English World dictionary
Contrast chord — example Play (help … Wikipedia
Flat glass — Flat glass, sheet glass, or plate glass is a type of glass, initially produced in plane form, commonly used for windows, glass doors, transparent walls, and windshields. For modern architectural and automotive applications, the flat glass is… … Wikipedia
flat pad — flat pad, a stable platform for launching a missile in contrast to a launch pad on a ship, affected by the motion of the ship … Useful english dictionary
contrast — 1 noun 1 (C, U) a difference between people, ideas, or things etc that are compared (+ between): The contrast between the two sisters surprised him. 2 in contrast/by contrast used when you are comparing objects or situations and saying that they… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
flat — flat1 flatly, adv. flatness, n. /flat/, adj., flatter, flattest, n., v., flatted, flatting, adv. adj. 1. horizontally level: a flat roof. 2. level, even, or without unevenness of surface, as land or tabletop … Universalium
flat — 1. adj., adv., n., & v. adj. (flatter, flattest) 1 a horizontally level (a flat roof). b even; smooth; unbroken; without projection or indentation (a flat stomach). c with a level surface and little depth; shallow (a flat cap; a flat heel). 2… … Useful english dictionary
Flat module — In abstract algebra, a flat module over a ring R is an R module M such that taking the tensor product over R with M preserves exact sequences.Vector spaces over a field are flat modules. Free modules, or more generally projective modules, are… … Wikipedia
Flat-6 — competitor punching their gloves together before a fight, which has led to it being referred to as a boxer engine.The configuration results in inherently good balance of the reciprocating parts, a low center of gravity, and a very short engine… … Wikipedia
flat — I. /flæt / (say flat) adjective (flatter, flattest) 1. level, even, or without inequalities of surface, as land, etc. 2. horizontally level: a flat roof. 3. comparatively lacking in projection or depression of surface: a broad flat face. 4. (of a …
flat — I. adjective (flatter; flattest) Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse flatr; akin to Old High German flaz flat, and probably to Greek platys broad more at place Date: 14th century 1. a. lying at full length or spread out upon the ground ;… … New Collegiate Dictionary