Flasket — Flask et, n. [Cf. W. fflasged a vessel of straw or wickerwork, fflasg flask, basket, and E. flask.] 1. A long, shallow basket, with two handles. [Eng.] [1913 Webster] In which they gathered flowers to fill their flasket. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flasket — [flas′kit] n. [ME < OFr flasquet, dim. of flasque < Gmc * flasko: see FLASK] a small flask … English World dictionary
flasket — kə̇t noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English, a container, from (assumed) Old North French flasket small bottle (Old French flaschet), diminutive of Old North French flaske bottle (Old French flasche), from (assumed) … Useful english dictionary
flasket — a wicker basket in which fish are packed … Dictionary of ichthyology
flasket — /flas kit, flah skit/, n. 1. a small flask. 2. a long, shallow basket. [1425 75; late ME flaskett < OF flasquet, dim. of flasque FLASK1] * * * … Universalium
flasket — n. tiny flask; long and shallow basket … English contemporary dictionary
flasket — flask·et … English syllables
flasket — /ˈflaskət/ (say flahskuht) noun 1. a small flask. 2. a long, shallow basket. {Middle English flaskett, from Old French flasquet small flask, from flasque flask1} …
flasket — a long shallow basket. Common. An oval tub with two handles, used in washing. York … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
Hero and Leander (poem) — Hero and Leander is a mythological poem by Christopher Marlowe. After Marlowe s death it was completed by George Chapman. Henry Petowe published an alternate completion to the poem.PublicationTwo editions of the poem were issued in quarto in… … Wikipedia
Erlenmeyer flask — Flask Flask, n. [AS. flasce, flaxe; akin to D. flesch, OHG. flasca, G. flasche, Icel. & Sw. flaska, Dan. flaske, OF. flasche, LL. flasca, flasco; of uncertain origin; cf. L. vasculum, dim. of vas a vessel, Gr. ?, ?, ?. Cf. {Flagon}, {Flasket}.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English