- flashes
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
flashes — ● flash, flashs ou flashes nom masculin (anglais flash, éclair) Éclair très bref dont l intensité lumineuse permet une prise de vue photographique lorsque la lumière ambiante n est pas suffisante. Appareil produisant les éclairs nécessaires à des … Encyclopédie Universelle
Flashes — Flash Flash, n.; pl. {Flashes}. 1. A sudden burst of light; a flood of light instantaneously appearing and disappearing; a momentary blaze; as, a flash of lightning. [1913 Webster] 2. A sudden and brilliant burst, as of wit or genius; a momentary … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flashes — paprastieji triuodegiai statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas gentis atitikmenys: lot. Lobotes angl. flashes; tripletails rus. лоботы; трёххвостки ryšiai: platesnis terminas – triuodegiai ešeriai siauresnis terminas – atlantinis… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
Flashes Before Your Eyes — (titulado Ráfagas ante tus ojos en España y Tu vida ante tus ojos en Latinoamérica) es el octavo capítulo de la tercera temporada de la serie Lost. Trata de la habilidad de previsión de futuro del escocés Desmond. Contenido 1 Trama 1.1 En la isla … Wikipedia Español
Flashes Per Minute — Flashes Per Minute, or FPM, is simply the number of times a flashing light blinks per minute. Police and emergency vehicles use warning lights with flashing rates that typically fall in a range from 60 to 240 FPM.Persons with photosensitive… … Wikipedia
Flashes Before Your Eyes — Infobox Television episode | Title = Flashes Before Your Eyes Series = Lost Caption = Desmond saves Claire. Season = 3 Episode = 8 Airdate = February 14, 2007 Production = 308 Writer = Damon Lindelof Drew Goddard Director = Jack Bender Guests =… … Wikipedia
Flashes — Flash Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français
flashes — flæʃ n. beam, gleam, flare; spark; brief news dispatch; outbreak; split second; flash of a camera; showiness v. flare, glare, sparkle; break out, erupt; move quickly; send a telegram; exhibit one s genitals in public (Slang) adj. sudden,… … English contemporary dictionary
flashes — present third singular of flash plural of flash … Useful english dictionary
Kent State Golden Flashes — Infobox college athletics name = Kent State Golden Flashes university = Kent State University conference = Mid American Conference | division = Division I (Bowl Subdivision) director = Laing Kennedy city = Kent state = Ohio stateabb = Ohio teams … Wikipedia
Kent State Golden Flashes men's basketball — Infobox CBB Team name = Kent State Golden Flashes logo size = 150px university = Kent State University conference = Mid American Conference conference short = Mid American (MAC) division = East city = Kent stateabb = Ohio state = Ohio coach =… … Wikipedia