Смотреть что такое "flagon" в других словарях:
Flagon — Flag on, n. [F. flacon, for flascon, fr. OF. flasche, from LL. flasco. See {Flask}.] A vessel with a narrow mouth, used for holding and conveying liquors. It is generally larger than a bottle, and of leather or stoneware rather than of glass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flagon — [flag′ən] n. [ME < OFr flacon < LL flasco: see FLASK] 1. a container for liquids, with a handle, a narrow neck, a spout, and, sometimes, a lid 2. the contents of a flagon … English World dictionary
flagon — (n.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. flacon, O.Fr. flascon, from L.L. flasconem (nom. flasco) bottle (see FLASK (Cf. flask)) … Etymology dictionary
flagon — 1) noun a large container for serving or consuming drinks. 2) a large bottle in which wine or cider is sold, typically holding 1.13 litres (about 2 pints). ORIGIN Old French flacon, from Latin flasco … English terms dictionary
Flagon — A flagon (Song of Solomon 2:5) is large metal or ceramic pitcher often used for drink, whether this be wine, water, ale, mead, or something else. Christian use(Roman Catholic) The flagon is the large vessel of wine, usually glass and metal, that… … Wikipedia
Flagon — Flag+wagon = flagon. A car or truck festooned with one or more oversized US Flags. Grandma drives her Ford flagon to bingo on Sunday … Dictionary of american slang
Flagon — Flag+wagon = flagon. A car or truck festooned with one or more oversized US Flags. Grandma drives her Ford flagon to bingo on Sunday … Dictionary of american slang
flagon — [[t]flæ̱gən[/t]] flagons 1) N COUNT A flagon is a wide bottle in which liquids such as wine are sold. 2) N COUNT A flagon is a jug with a narrow neck in which wine or another drink is served … English dictionary
flagon — UK [ˈflæɡən] / US noun [countable] Word forms flagon : singular flagon plural flagons a large container for liquids with a handle … English dictionary
flagon — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French flascon, flacon bottle, from Late Latin flascon , flasco more at flask Date: 15th century 1. a. a large usually metal or pottery vessel (as for wine) with handle and spout and often a lid b. a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
flagon — a traditional unit of liquid volume, generally equal to the wine (or U.S. liquid) gallon (about 3.785 liters). A flagon is a large, narrow necked pitcher or bottle … Dictionary of units of measurement