
ˈflæɡdeɪ сущ. день продажи на улице маленьких флажков с благотворительной целью n день продажи на улице маленьких флажков с благотворительной целью flag-day день продажи на улице маленьких флажков с благотворительной целью

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flag-day" в других словарях:

  • Flag Day — June 14th, a day in the US when people fly the US flag, remembering the day in 1777 when the ↑Stars and Stripes (=US flag) was officially accepted and first used …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Flag Day — Flag ,Day noun count or uncount in the U.S., the day of June 14th when people celebrate the day a flag was chosen for the country in 1777 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Flag Day — ☆ Flag Day n. 1. June 14, anniversary of the day in 1777 when the U.S. flag was adopted 2. [f d ] in England, any day when people give to some special fund for charity and get small flags in token of their contribution …   English World dictionary

  • flag day — flag days N COUNT In Britain, a flag day is a day on which people collect money for a charity from people in the street. People are given a small sticker to wear to show that they have given money …   English dictionary

  • Flag Day — Flag′ Day n. amh. June 14, the anniversary of the day (June 14, 1777) when Congress adopted the official U.S. flag …   From formal English to slang

  • flag day — flag ,day noun count in the U.K., a day when people collect money in the street for CHARITY …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • flag day — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a day on which money is collected in the street for a charity and contributors are given flags to wear …   English terms dictionary

  • Flag Day — For other uses, see Flag day (disambiguation). 50th Day of the Flag of the Faroe Islands A flag day is a flag related holiday either a day designated for flying a certain flag (such as a national flag), or a day set aside to celebrate a… …   Wikipedia

  • Flag Day — Der Flag Day ist ein US amerikanischer Gedenktag, der am 14. Juni begangen wird. Er ist kein bundesweiter gesetzlicher Feiertag, Banken, Behörden und Geschäfte gehen ihrem normalen Betrieb nach. Die meisten Schulen haben bereits Sommerferien.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • flag day — (sometimes caps.) Brit. See tag day. [1910 15] * * * ▪ United States holiday also called  National Flag Day        in the United States, a day honouring the national flag (United States of America, flag of the), observed on June 14. The holiday… …   Universalium

  • Flag Day — June 14, the anniversary of the day (June 14, 1777) when Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the national flag of the United States. * * * ▪ United States holiday also called  National Flag Day        in the United States, a day honouring… …   Universalium

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