flag carrier

flag carrier
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flag carrier" в других словарях:

  • flag carrier — UK US noun [C] (also flag airline) ► TRANSPORT an airline that is or was owned by a government, often with the name of the country in its name: »Air India, the country s flag carrier »The Australian government raised A$1.45 billion from the sale… …   Financial and business terms

  • flag carrier — flag airline UK / US or flag carrier UK / US noun [countable] Word forms flag airline : singular flag airline plural flag airlines tourism the main national airline of a country …   English dictionary

  • Flag carrier — For a list of airline companies named National Airlines, see National Airlines (disambiguation). For an aircraft carrier which carries the flag, see flagship. For a person who carries the flag, see Flag bearer. A flag carrier is a transportation… …   Wikipedia

  • flag carrier — noun : an air or sea transport line flying the flag of the country to which it belongs * * * flag carrier variant UK US Main entry: flag airline …   Useful english dictionary

  • flag carrier — noun a) A person carrying a standard or flag, usually at sporting events and parades, previously on the battlefield. Bill was the flag carrier of the movement to improve inner city education. b) A transportation company, such as a shipping or… …   Wiktionary

  • Flag carrier (Gaming) — Flag carrier (disambiguation)In the world of online gaming the flag carrier is a person who has obtained an enemies flag in a capture the flag style game. The Importance of the Flag Carrier In capture the flag maps it is very important to select… …   Wikipedia

  • Flag carrier (disambiguation) — Flag carrier may refer to:* Flag carrier, transportation company, such as a shipping or airline company, that is registered in a given state * Flag carrier (Gaming), A person who is the flag carrier in a capture the flag style game. * A strong… …   Wikipedia

  • flag airline — UK / US or flag carrier UK / US noun [countable] Word forms flag airline : singular flag airline plural flag airlines tourism the main national airline of a country …   English dictionary

  • flag airline — UK US noun [countable] [singular flag airline plural flag airlines] tourism the main national airline of a country Thesaurus: air travel a …   Useful english dictionary

  • flag line — noun : a sea or sometimes air transport line under a particular national registry American flag lines in the Pacific often : flag carrier …   Useful english dictionary

  • Carrier Strike Group Eleven — crest Active 1 October 2004 to date.[1] …   Wikipedia

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