flag bit
Смотреть что такое "flag bit" в других словарях:
Flag byte — A flag byte is a generic term for a byte used to indicate conditions within a binary computer. In particular, the byte can be used to show up to 8 discrete conditions. Essentially, each bit represents one flag, capable of showing two states.… … Wikipedia
Flag sequence — Flag sequence: In data transmission or processing, a sequence of bits used to delimit, i.e. mark the beginning and end of a frame. Note 1: An 8 bit sequence is usually used as the flag sequence; for example, the 8 bit flag sequence 01111110. Note … Wikipedia
Bit manipulation — is the act of algorithmically manipulating bits or other pieces of data shorter than a byte. Programming tasks that require bit manipulation include low level device control, error detection and correction algorithms, encryption algorithms, and… … Wikipedia
Bit.Trip Beat — Éditeur Aksys Games Développeur Gaijin Entertainment Date de sortie 28 avril 2009 … Wikipédia en Français
Flag — [dt. »Flagge«], eine zweiwertige Variable innerhalb eines Registers in einem Prozessor, die zur Kennzeichnung eines bestimmten Zustands verwendet wird. I. d. R. handelt es sich um ein einzelnes Bit. So bezeichnet z. B. das sog. Carry Flag bei… … Universal-Lexikon
Flag — [flæg] die; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. flag, eigtl. »Flagge«> Zustandssignal bei Computern, das bestimmte Ergebnisse od. Zustände im Umfang von einem 1↑Bit anzeigt (EDV) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Bit field — A bit field is a common idiom used in computer programming to store a set of Boolean datatype flags compactly, as a series of bits. The bit field is stored in an integral type of known, fixed bit width. Each Boolean flag is stored in a separate… … Wikipedia
Flag (Datenübertragung) — High Level Data Link Control (HDLC) ist ein von der ISO normiertes Netzprotokoll ISO/IEC 13239:2002. Es ist innerhalb des ISO/OSI Modells in Schicht 2, der Sicherungsschicht einzugliedern. HDLC basiert in seiner Grundstruktur auf dem SDLC… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Flag of the United States — American Flag redirects here. For the Arizona ghost town, see American Flag, Arizona. Flag of Columbia redirects here. For the flag of the South American country, see Flag of Colombia. Flag of the United States of America Name … Wikipedia
Bit stuffing — In data transmission and telecommunication, bit stuffing (also known uncommonly as positive justification) is the insertion of noninformation bits into data. Stuffed bits should not be confused with overhead bits. Bit stuffing is used for various … Wikipedia
Flag (computing) — In computer programming, flag refers to one or more bits that are used to store a binary value or code that has an assigned meaning. Flags are typically found as members of a defined data structure, such as a database record, and the meaning of… … Wikipedia