fixing of value
Смотреть что такое "fixing of value" в других словарях:
Gauge fixing — Quantum field theory (Feynman diagram) … Wikipedia
Match fixing — In organised sports, match fixing, game fixing, race fixing, or sports fixing occurs as a match is played to a completely or partially pre determined result, violating the rules of the game and often the law. Where the sporting competition in… … Wikipedia
Price fixing cases — USAir TravelOn 1 August 2007 it was reported that British Airways has been fined £121.5 million [ cite news | title = BA gets £121.5m price fixing fine| publisher = BBC News | date = 8 January 2007 | url =… … Wikipedia
fair value — For the purpose of, and as a base for, fixing the rates of a public utility:–the present value of the property of the utility as determined, not by formula, such as original cost, prudent investment, or cost of reproduction, but by consideration… … Ballentine's law dictionary
going-concern value — The amount by which the assets of a business as a whole, assembled for the conduct of the business, exceeds the aggregate of the value of the separate items of property in the business. Pacific State Sav. & Loan Co. v Hise, 25 Cal 2d 822, 155 P2d … Ballentine's law dictionary
Stelo — The Stelo ( star ; plural: Steloj ) was from 1945 to 1993 a monetary unit of Esperantists, one of whose aims was to achieve a single world currency. Attempts at an earlier currency, the Speso, with derived units like the Spesmilo, were cut short… … Wikipedia
Inverse trigonometric functions — Trigonometry History Usage Functions Generalized Inverse functions Further reading … Wikipedia
Currency of Venezuela — This article provides a historical summary of the currency used in Venezuela since the end of the 18th century. For the present currency of Venezuela, see Venezuelan bolívar. Contents 1 Pre independence currency 1.1 Coin 1.1.1 1787 lightweight… … Wikipedia
Dual of BCH is an independent source — A certain family of BCH codes have a particularly useful property, which is that treated as linear operators, their dual operators turns their input into an wise independent source. That is, the set of vectors from the input vector space are… … Wikipedia
Free Silver — was an important political issue in the late 19th century United States. To understand exactly what is meant by free coinage of silver , it is necessary to understand the way mints operated in the days of the gold standard. Essentially, anyone… … Wikipedia
evaluation — noun 1. act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of (Freq. 8) • Syn: ↑rating • Derivationally related forms: ↑rate (for: ↑rating), ↑evaluate • … Useful english dictionary