fixed wage
Смотреть что такое "fixed wage" в других словарях:
wage — [wāj] vt. waged, waging [ME wagen < NormFr wagier (OFr gagier) < wage (OFr gage), a stake, pledge < Frank * wadi, akin to Goth wadi, a pledge: for IE base see WED] 1. to engage in or carry on (a war, struggle, campaign, etc.) 2. [Dial.,… … English World dictionary
wage — wage, wages Wages is normally used in the plural (Their wages are still too low); an older singular construction survives only in the biblical line For the wages of sinne is death (Romans 6:23). But wage is also used (What sort of wage are you… … Modern English usage
Wage Board Award — it is the salary package, given time to time, for the workers of Pakistan s newspapers industry. According to the constitution of Pakistan the wage of the newspapers industry is fixed by the state and the newspapers owners are refusing to pay… … Wikipedia
wage — ► NOUN (also wages) 1) a fixed regular payment for work, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis. 2) the result or effect of doing something wrong or unwise: the wages of sin. ► VERB ▪ carry on (a war or campaign). DERIVATIVES waged adjective … English terms dictionary
Wage-fund doctrine — The Wage Fund Doctrine is an expression that comes from early economic theory that seeks to show that the amount of money a worker earns in wages, paid to them from a fixed amount of funds available to employers each year (capital), is determined … Wikipedia
wage and salary — ▪ economics Introduction income derived from human labour. Technically, wages and salaries cover all compensation made to employees for either physical or mental work, but they do not represent the income of the self employed. Labour costs… … Universalium
wage theory — ▪ economics portion of economic theory that attempts to explain the determination of the payment of labour. A brief treatment of wage theory follows. For full treatment, see wage and salary. The subsistence theory of wages,… … Universalium
wage — wage1 W3 [weıdʒ] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old North French; Origin: guarantee, wage ] 1.) [singular] also wages [plural] money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work →↑salary ▪ He earns a good wage … Dictionary of contemporary English
wage — 1 noun 1 (singular) also wages (plural) money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work: The job s not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. | wage increase also wage rise BrE: The wage increases will … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Wage share — The wage share is the ratio between compensation of employees (according to the system of National accounts) and one of the following variables:#gross domestic product at market prices #gross domestic product at factor cost. #net domestic product … Wikipedia
wage — wages, salary, stipend, fee, pay, hire, emolument can all mean the price paid a person for his labor or services. Wage or Wages applies chiefly to an amount paid on a daily, hourly, or piecework basis and typically at weekly intervals for labor,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms