fixed target
Смотреть что такое "fixed target" в других словарях:
fixed target — nejudamasis taikinys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fixed target vok. unbewegliches Ziel, n rus. неподвижная цель, f pranc. cible immobile, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
fixed-target rejection radar — judamųjų taikinių radaras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fixed target rejection radar vok. Radar mit Selektion beweglicher Ziele, n rus. радиолокационная станция с селекцией движущихся целей, f pranc. radar à sélection de… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Fixed income attribution — refers to the process of measuring returns generated by various sources of risk in a fixed income portfolio, particularly when multiple sources of return are active at the same time. For example, the risks affecting the return of a bond portfolio … Wikipedia
Fixed-income attribution — refers to the process of measuring returns generated by various sources of risk in a fixed income portfolio, particularly when multiple sources of return are active at the same time. For example, the risks affecting the return of a bond portfolio … Wikipedia
Fixed-gear bicycle — A fixed gear bicycle or fixed wheel bicycle, is a bicycle without the ability to coast. The sprocket is screwed directly on to the hub and there is no freewheel mechanism. A reverse thread lockring is usually fitted to prevent the sprocket from… … Wikipedia
Target income sales — In cost accounting, Target Income Sales are the sales necessary to achieve a given Target Income (or Targeted Income). It can be measured either in units or in currency (sales proceeds), and can be computed using contribution margin similarly to… … Wikipedia
Target Corporation — This article is about the United States retail company and its stores. For the Australian retail stores, see Target Australia. Target Corporation Type Public company Traded as NYSE: … Wikipedia
Fixed dose combination — A fixed dose combination (FDC) is a formulation of two or more active ingredients combined in a single dosage form available in certain fixed doses. Fixed dose combination drug products may improve medication compliance by reducing the pill… … Wikipedia
target — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sb/sth that you try to destroy, hurt, steal, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ favourite/favorite, frequent, important, likely, natural, obvious, perfect, possible, potential … Collocations dictionary
Fixed-point arithmetic — In computing, a fixed point number representation is a real data type for a number that has a fixed number of digits after (and sometimes also before) the radix point ( e.g. , after the decimal point . in English decimal notation). Fixed point… … Wikipedia
Fixed-Rule Policy — A fiscal or monetary policy designed to be an economic goal or target of a government. A fixed rule policy, by definition, is pursued no matter the condition of the economy, and is considered independent of the current economic state. For example … Investment dictionary