fixed routing
Смотреть что такое "fixed routing" в других словарях:
Fixed-mobile convergence — (FMC) is a change in telecommunications that removes differences between fixed and mobile networks. In the 2004 press release announcing its formation, the Fixed Mobile Convergence Alliance said:[1] Fixed Mobile Convergence is a transition point… … Wikipedia
Routing table — In computer networking a routing table, or Routing Information Base (RIB), is a data table stored in a router or a networked computer that lists the routes to particular network destinations, and in some cases, metrics (distances) associated with … Wikipedia
Fixed Length Subnet Mask — Die Artikel Subnetz und Netzmaske überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte entferne diesen Baustein erst nach… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Routing indicator — In telecommunication, the term routing indicator (RI) has the following meanings: 1. A group of letters assigned to indicate: (a) the geographic location of a station; (b) a fixed headquarters of a command, activity, or unit at a geographic… … Wikipedia
routing indicator — A group of letters assigned to indicate: a. the geographic location of a station; b. a fixed headquarters of a command, activity, or unit at a geographic location; and c. the general location of a tape relay or tributary station to facilitate the … Military dictionary
Least-cost routing — In international voice telecommunications, least cost routing (LCR) is the process that provides customers with cheap telephone calls. Within a telecoms carrier, an LCR team will be choosing routes from between twenty to over one hundred… … Wikipedia
Hazy Sighted Link State Routing Protocol — The Hazy Sighted Link State Routing Protocol (HSLS) is a wireless mesh network routing protocol being developed by the CUWiN Foundation. This is an algorithm allowing computers communicating via digital radio in a mesh network to forward messages … Wikipedia
Classless Inter-Domain Routing — CIDR redirects here. For other uses, see CIDR (disambiguation). Classless Inter Domain Routing (CIDR) is a method for allocating IP addresses and routing Internet Protocol packets. The Internet Engineering Task Force introduced CIDR in 1993 to… … Wikipedia
Adaptive routing — describes the capability of a system, through which routes are characterized by their destination, to alter the path that the route takes through the system in response to a change in conditions[1]. The adaptation is intended to allow as many… … Wikipedia
Identification of Fixed Objects In Public Transport — IFOPT ( Identification of Fixed Objects in Public Transport ) is a prCEN Technical Specification that provides a Reference Data Model for describing the main fixed objects required for public access to Public transport, that is to say… … Wikipedia
Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600 — MERS 8600CO Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8610CO Height: 35.0 in. (88.9 cm) Width: 17.4 in. (44.2 cm) … Wikipedia