fixed loss

fixed loss
постоянная составляющая потерь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fixed loss" в других словарях:

  • fixed loss component — pastovusis nuostolių sandas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. fixed loss component vok. zeitunabhängiger Verlustanteil, m rus. постоянная составляющая потерь, f pranc. composante constante des pertes, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Fixed income attribution — refers to the process of measuring returns generated by various sources of risk in a fixed income portfolio, particularly when multiple sources of return are active at the same time. For example, the risks affecting the return of a bond portfolio …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed-income attribution — refers to the process of measuring returns generated by various sources of risk in a fixed income portfolio, particularly when multiple sources of return are active at the same time. For example, the risks affecting the return of a bond portfolio …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed assets management — is an accounting process that seeks to track fixed assets for the purposes of financial accounting, preventive maintenance, and theft deterrence.Many organizations face a significant challenge to track the location, quantity, condition,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed asset turnover — is the ratio of sales (on the Profit and loss account) to the value of fixed assets (on the balance sheet). It indicates how well the business is using its fixed assets to generate sales.Fixed Asset Turnover = frac{Sales}{Average net fixed… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed-odds betting — is a form of wagering against odds offered by a bookmaker, an individual, or on a bet exchange. Contents 1 Calculating fixed odds 2 Types of odds offered 2.1 Fractional odds 2 …   Wikipedia

  • Loss given default (LGD) — Loss Given Default or LGD is a common parameter in Risk Models and also a parameter used in the calculation of Economic Capital or Regulatory Capital under Basel II for a banking institution. This is an attribute of any exposure on bank s… …   Wikipedia

  • fixed flexion — loss of ability to extend a joint, so that it remains permanently flexed. Cf. flexion contracture, under contracture …   Medical dictionary

  • Fixed-point arithmetic — In computing, a fixed point number representation is a real data type for a number that has a fixed number of digits after (and sometimes also before) the radix point ( e.g. , after the decimal point . in English decimal notation). Fixed point… …   Wikipedia

  • Loss aversion — In prospect theory, loss aversion refers to the tendency for people strongly to prefer avoiding losses than acquiring gains. Some studies suggest that losses are twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains.Loss aversion was first convincingly… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixed-gear bicycle — A fixed gear bicycle or fixed wheel bicycle, is a bicycle without the ability to coast. The sprocket is screwed directly on to the hub and there is no freewheel mechanism. A reverse thread lockring is usually fitted to prevent the sprocket from… …   Wikipedia

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