fixed ion

fixed ion
фиксированный (связанный) ион

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fixed ion" в других словарях:

  • ion-exchange reaction — ▪ chemical reaction Introduction       any of a class of chemical reactions between two substances (each consisting of positively and negatively charged species called ions (ion)) that involves an exchange of one or more ionic components.… …   Universalium

  • Lithium-ion battery — Batteries caption=Lithium ion battery of Varta, Museum Autovision, Altlußheim, Germany EtoW=160 Wh/kg EtoS=270 Wh/l PtoW=1800 W/kg CtoDE=99.9% [Cite web | title = Charging lithium ion batteries | first = Isidor | last =… …   Wikipedia

  • Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance — Infobox chemical analysis name = Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance caption =A FTMS instrument at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA acronym = FTMS, FTICR classification =Mass spectrometry analytes = manufacturers = related =… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas cluster ion beam — Gas Cluster Ion Beams (GCIB) is a new technology for nano scale modification of surfaces. It can smooth a wide variety of surface material types to within an angstrom of roughness without subsurface damage. It is also used to chemically alter… …   Wikipedia

  • Heavy ion — refers to an ionized atom which is usually heavier than helium. Heavy ion physics is devoted to the study of extremely hot nuclear matter and the collective effects appearing in such systems, differing from particle physics, which studies the… …   Wikipedia

  • Membrane potential — Differences in concentration of ions on opposite sides of a cellular membrane lead to a voltage called the membrane potential. Many ions have a concentration gradient across the membrane, including potassium (K+), which is at a high inside and a… …   Wikipedia

  • фиксированный ион — связанный ион — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом Синонимы связанный ион EN fixed ion …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… …   Universalium

  • Kilogram — Kg redirects here. For other uses, see Kg (disambiguation). Kilogram A computer generated image of the international prototype kilogram (IPK). The IPK is the kilogram. The IPK, which is roughly the size of a golf ball, sits here alongside a ruler …   Wikipedia

  • Euler's three-body problem — In physics and astronomy, Euler s three body problem is to solve for the motion of a particle that is acted upon by the gravitational field of two other point masses that are either fixed in space or move in circular coplanar orbits about their… …   Wikipedia

  • liquid — liquidly, adv. liquidness, n. /lik wid/, adj. 1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; neither gaseous nor solid. 2. of, pertaining to, or consisting of liquids: a liquid diet. 3 …   Universalium

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