Смотреть что такое "fixated" в других словарях:
fixated — [[t]fɪkse͟ɪtɪd, fɪ̱kseɪtɪd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ on/with/by n If you accuse someone of being fixated on a particular thing, you mean that they think about it to an extreme and excessive degree. The danger is we ll get so fixated on the… … English dictionary
fixated — UK [fɪkˈseɪtɪd] / US [fɪkˈseɪtəd] adjective 1) so interested in someone or something that you do not pay attention to anything else fixated on: He seems fixated on losing weight. 2) in psychology, someone who is fixated has feelings about sex… … English dictionary
fixated — fix|a|ted [fıkˈseıtıd] adj always thinking or talking about one particular thing fixated on ▪ He never used to be so fixated on losing weight … Dictionary of contemporary English
fixated — fix|at|ed [ fık seıtəd ] adjective 1. ) so interested in someone or something that you do not pay attention to anything else: fixated on: He seems fixated on losing weight. 2. ) TECHNICAL having feelings about sex that have not developed normally … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fixated — adjective 1 always thinking or talking about one particular thing (+ on): Jeremy seems to be fixated on this idea of travelling around the world. 2 technical having stopped developing emotionally or mentally … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fixated — adjective Date: 1926 arrested in development or adjustment; especially arrested at a pregenital level of psychosexual development … New Collegiate Dictionary
fixated — adjective attached to someone or something in a neurotic or pathological manner … Wiktionary
fixated — fix·at·ed adj arrested in development or adjustment esp arrested at a pregenital level of psychosexual development … Medical dictionary
fixated — adj. stabilized, set firmly in place; obsessed with fix·ate || fɪkseɪt v. set firmly in place, stabilize, make steady; focus on (especially in an obsessive manner); experience arrested emotional development … English contemporary dictionary
fixated — /ˈfɪkseɪtəd/ (say fiksaytuhd), /fɪkˈseɪtəd/ (say fik saytuhd) adjective 1. Psychology partially arrested in emotional and instinctual development. 2. Colloquial (sometimes followed by on) obsessed …
fixated — adj obsessed, preoccupied, infatuated, compulsive, pathological, dominated, gripped, phobic, neurotic COLLOQ. hung up on … Useful english dictionary