Смотреть что такое "fivepins" в других словарях:
fivepins — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun plural : five back * * * fiveˈpins singular noun A game with five ‘pins’, resembling ninepins and tenpins (fiveˈpin adjective as in fivepin bowling alley) • • • Main Entry: ↑five … Useful english dictionary
Bowling pin — Bowling pins are the target of the bowling ball in various bowling games including tenpins, five pins, duck.flapins, and candlepins. Pin specifications for standard tenpins are set by the United States Bowling Congress. Pins are 4.75 inches wide… … Wikipedia
bowling — /boh ling/, n. 1. any of several games in which players standing at one end of an alley or green roll balls at standing objects or toward a mark at the other end, esp. a game in which a heavy ball is rolled from one end of a wooden alley at… … Universalium
five back — noun : a bowling game in which four pins are spotted on the back line and one at the end of the line next in front and in which three balls not exceeding six inches in diameter are rolled in each inning called also fivepins … Useful english dictionary