fit the bill
Смотреть что такое "fit the bill" в других словарях:
fit the bill — ► to be suitable for a particular purpose: »Some travel policies don t fit the bill, because they limit the amount of time you can spend abroad. Main Entry: ↑fit … Financial and business terms
fit\ the\ bill — • fit the bill • fill the bill v. phr. informal To be just what is needed; be good enough for something; be just right. The boss was worried about hiring a deaf boy, but after he tried Tom out for a few weeks, he said that Tom filled the bill. I… … Словарь американских идиом
fit the bill — If something fits the bill, it is what is required for the task … The small dictionary of idiomes
fit the bill — ► fit the bill be suitable for a particular purpose. Main Entry: ↑bill … English terms dictionary
fit the bill — verb be what is needed or be good enough for what is required Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration? • Syn: ↑fill the bill • Hypernyms: ↑meet, ↑fit, ↑conform to • Verb Frames … Useful english dictionary
fit the bill — See: FILL THE BILL … Dictionary of American idioms
fit the bill — See: FILL THE BILL … Dictionary of American idioms
fit the bill — British, American & Australian, American & Australian to have the qualities or experience which are needed. I m looking for someone with several years of publishing experience and you seem to fit the bill. The city needs a strong leader, and the… … New idioms dictionary
fit the bill — If something fits the bill, it is what is required for the task. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If someone or something fits the bill, they are exactly right for a particular situation. They wanted a quiet place to stay and the… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
fit the bill — to have the qualities that someone needs or has asked for We need a fast car, and this one fits the bill … English dictionary
Fit the bill — If something fits the bill, it is what is required for the task … Dictionary of English idioms