fit for work
Смотреть что такое "fit for work" в других словарях:
Fit for Active Service — (also known as The Faith Healers ) is a drawing by 20th century German artist George Grosz, created between the years of 1916 1917. It is considered a seminal part of the post WWI movement, Neue Sachlichkeit, or New Objectivity. It is a paper… … Wikipedia
fit for duty — able to work … English contemporary dictionary
fit — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 way sth fits/way two things match ADJECTIVE ▪ excellent, good, nice ▪ We need to achieve the best fit between the staff required and the staff available. ▪ correct, exact … Collocations dictionary
fit — n Fit, attack, access, accession, paroxysm, spasm, convulsion are comparable when they denote a sudden seizure or spell resulting from an abnormal condition of body or mind. The last three are too specific in their technical medical senses to be… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
fit — I n. emotional reaction 1) to have, throw a fit misc. 2) by fits and starts ( in irregular bursts of activity ) II adj. qualified physically capable 1) physically fit 2) fit for (fit for duty) 3) fit to + inf. (he is not fit to work) 4) to keep… … Combinatory dictionary
work — work1 W1S1 [wə:k US wə:rk] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(do a job for money)¦ 2¦(do your job)¦ 3¦(help)¦ 4¦(do an activity)¦ 5¦(try to achieve something)¦ 6¦(machine/equipment)¦ 7¦(be effective/successful)¦ 8¦(have an effect)¦ 9¦(art/style/literature)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
fit — fit1 W2S1 [fıt] v past tense and past participle fitted also fit AmE present participle fitting ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(clothes)¦ 2¦(right size/shape)¦ 3¦(enough space)¦ 4¦(equipment/part)¦ 5¦(match/be suitable)¦ 6 fit somebody fo … Dictionary of contemporary English
fit — fit1 [ fıt ] (past tense and past participle fit or fit|ted) verb *** ▸ 1 be right size/shape ▸ 2 about clothes ▸ 3 be suitable/similar ▸ 4 match truth/description ▸ 5 be appropriate for something ▸ 6 measure for clothes etc. ▸ 7 add equipment to … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fit — The matching of the investor s requirements and needs such as risk tolerance and growth potential preference with a specific investment. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. fit fit 1 [fɪt] verb fitted PASTTENSE also … Financial and business terms
fit — I [[t]fɪ̱t[/t]] BEING RIGHT OR GOING IN THE RIGHT PLACE ♦♦ fits, fitting, fitted (In American English the form fit is used in the present tense and sometimes also as the past tense and past participle of the verb.) 1) VERB If something fits, it… … English dictionary
fit — 1 /fIt/ verb past tense fitted also fit AmE past participle fit 1 RIGHT SIZE (intransitive, transitive not in progressive) to be the right size and shape for someone or something: The dress fits perfectly. | fit sb: The jacket fitted me pretty… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English