
1. сущ.;
1) удары кулаками These blows are not mere fisticuffs. ≈ Эти удары - это уже не просто удары кулаками.
2) драка на кулаках, кулачный бой to engage in fisticuffs ≈ драться на кулаках the fisticuffs art ≈ искусство кулачного боя Perhaps gunplay and fisticuffs are as formal a part of the 'western' as blood and bodies are of the detective novel. ≈ Перестрелки и кулачные драки являются, возможно, такими же неотъемлемыми элементами вестерна, как кровь и трупы в детективном романе.
2. гл.
1) перех. бить кулаками, ударять кулаками тж. перен.
2) неперех. драться на кулаках, боксировать;
драться в кулачном бою Syn : spar III
2. удар кулаком pl кулачная драка - to come to *s начать драку, пустить в ход кулаки драться кулаками участвовать в кулачной драке fisticuff драться в кулачном бою ~ pl кулачный бой ~ удар кулаком

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fisticuff" в других словарях:

  • Fisticuff — Fist i*cuff, n. A cuff or blow with the fist or hand; (pl.) a fight with the fists; boxing. Swift. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fisticuff — 1. noun A fistfight. Every fifteen or twenty minutes there was a rush to some part, to witness a fisticuff. 2. verb To engage in a physical fight. Do they fisticuff with thunder snaggs …   Wiktionary

  • fisticuff — fisticuffer, n. /fis ti kuf /, n. 1. a cuff or blow with the fist. 2. fisticuffs, combat with the fists. v.t., v.i. 3. to strike or fight with the fists. [1595 1605; earlier fisty cuff. See FIST1, Y1, CUFF2] * * * …   Universalium

  • fisticuff — n. blow of the fist, strike of the fist …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fisticuff — n 1. blow, clout, thump, pelt, knock, rap, smack, slam, whack, bang, swipe, Sl. whang, Sl. shot; punch, hook, jab, thrust, lunge; pummel, thump, buffet, thwack. 2. fisticuffs boxing, prize fighting, pugilism; bout, event, fist fight, prize fight …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • fisticuff — fist·i·cuff …   English syllables

  • fisticuff — fist•i•cuff [[t]ˈfɪs tɪˌkʌf[/t]] n. 1) a cuff or blow with the fist 2) fisticuffs, combat with the fists • Etymology: 1595–1605; earlier fisty cuff …   From formal English to slang

  • fisticuff — ˈfistə̇ˌkəf, tēˌ noun ( s) Etymology: alteration of earlier fisty cuff, from fisty + cuff (blow) 1. : a blow with the fist or hand 2. fisticuffs plural but singular or plural in construction : a fight with the fists …   Useful english dictionary

  • handicuff — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌkəf noun ( s) Etymology: hand (I) + icuff, as in fisticuff archaic : a blow with the hand : fisticuff …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dismember (band) — Dismember Background information Origin Stockholm, Sweden …   Wikipedia

  • Scipio Africanus Jones — (3 August, 1863 2 March 1943) was an African American educator, attorney, judge, philanthropist, and Republican politician from the state of Arkansas. He was most famous for successfully guiding the appeals of the twelve men condemned to death… …   Wikipedia

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