fishing spear
Смотреть что такое "fishing spear" в других словарях:
spear — n. & v. n. 1 a thrusting or throwing weapon with a pointed usu. steel tip and a long shaft. 2 a similar barbed instrument used for catching fish etc. 3 archaic a spearman. 4 a pointed stem of asparagus etc. pierce or strike with or as if… … Useful english dictionary
spear — [spir] n. [ME spere < OE (akin to Ger speer) < IE base * sper > SPAR2, L sparus] 1. a weapon consisting of a long wooden shaft with a sharp point, usually of metal or stone, for thrusting or throwing 2. any spearlike, often forked,… … English World dictionary
Fishing tackle — Fishing tackle, also called fishing gear, is a general term that refers to the equipment used by fishermen while fishing.Almost any equipment or gear used for fishing can be called fishing tackle. Some examples are lures, bait, lines, rods, reels … Wikipedia
spear|fish|ing — «SPIHR FIHSH ihng», noun. the sport of fishing with a spear or speargun … Useful english dictionary
Fishing techniques — There is an intricate link between various fishing techniques and knowledge about the fish and their behavior including migration, foraging and habitat (Keegan 1986). All fish traps and methods of catching fish are based on this intimate… … Wikipedia
Spear — A spear is a pole weapon used for hunting and war, consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a sharpened head. The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with bamboo spears, or it may be of another material… … Wikipedia
spear — spear1 spearer, n. /spear/, n. 1. a long, stabbing weapon for thrusting or throwing, consisting of a wooden shaft to which a sharp pointed head, as of iron or steel, is attached. 2. a soldier or other person armed with such a weapon; spearman: an … Universalium
spear — Ihe, ihe pahe e, ēlau (short); pololū (long); ihe laumeki (barbed); ihe ō (piercing); au hau (of hibiscus wood); au au (of loulu palm wood); kao, ō, ōkoholua (fishing); pōluhi, polokāwa e. See bath. ♦ Cluster of spears, makalau, mākini.… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
spear — I [[t]spɪər[/t]] n. 1) mil a weapon consisting of a long wooden shaft to which a sharp pointed head, as of metal or stone, is attached 2) a similar weapon or stabbing implement, as one for use in fishing 3) the act of spearing 4) mil spearman 5)… … From formal English to slang
fishing tackle — noun gear used in fishing (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑fishing gear, ↑tackle, ↑fishing rig, ↑rig • Hypernyms: ↑gear, ↑paraphernalia, ↑appurtenance … Useful english dictionary
spear´er — spear1 «spihr», noun, verb. –n. 1. a weapon with a long shaft and a sharp pointed head, sometimes barbed. Spears are for throwing or thrusting with the hand in hunting, fishing, and warfare. The javelin is a light spear used in track and field… … Useful english dictionary