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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fish-works" в других словарях:

  • fish|works — «FIHSH WURKS», noun (plural). 1. the appliances and devices used in fish culture for the artificial propagation of fish. 2. a place where the products of fisheries are used for a specific purpose, such as the manufacture of oil or guano …   Useful english dictionary

  • fish works — 1) the equipment used in aquaculture 2) a fish factory where the products of a fishery are used …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Fish — /fish/, n. Hamilton, 1808 93, U.S. statesman: secretary of state 1869 77. * * * I Any of more than 24,000 species of cold blooded vertebrates found worldwide in fresh and salt water. Living species range from the primitive lampreys and hagfishes… …   Universalium

  • FISH, STANLEY — (1938– ), U.S. literary theorist. Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Fish earned his doctoral degree in English literature from Yale University in 1962. He taught at the University of California, Berkeley, and at Johns Hopkins University, before… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Fish — are aquatic vertebrate animals that are typically ectothermic (previously cold blooded), covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins. Fish are abundant in the sea and in fresh water, with species being …   Wikipedia

  • Fish Lake Valley, Nevada — Fish Lake Valley is located in the US state of Nevada, and was originally settled when the Palmetto Mining District was formed. It is just east of the White Mountains (California), the highest range entirely within the Great Basin at… …   Wikipedia

  • Fish Police — is the name of a comic book series by cartoonist Steven Moncuse, and its six episode cartoon adaptation.PlotBoth works center around law and crime in a fictional underwater metropolis with the protagonist, Inspector Gill, trying to solve various …   Wikipedia

  • fish — fishless, adj. /fish/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) fish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) fishes, v. n. 1. any of various cold blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with …   Universalium

  • fish processing — Introduction       preparation of seafood and freshwater fish for human consumption.       The word fish is commonly used to describe all forms of edible finfish, mollusks (e.g., clams and oysters), and crustaceans (e.g., crabs and lobsters) that …   Universalium

  • Fish (singer) — This article is about the former singer in Marillion. For the 1960s artist, see Country Joe and the Fish. Fish Fish live onstage at BB Kings in New York City, June 2008. Background information Birth name …   Wikipedia

  • Fish, Stanley — ▪ American literary critic in full  Stanley Eugene Fish  born April 19, 1938, Providence, R.I., U.S.       American literary critic particularly associated with reader response criticism, according to which the meaning of a text is created,… …   Universalium

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