fish fry
Смотреть что такое "fish fry" в других словарях:
Fish fry — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un fish fry al estilo Americano con pescado frito rebozado y patatas fritas con limón, kétchup, y salsa tártara servida en San Diego. Un fish fry es un tipo de almuerzo … Wikipedia Español
fish fry — plural fish fries n AmE an outdoor event held to raise money for an organization, at which fish is cooked and eaten … Dictionary of contemporary English
fish fry — fish′ fry n. 1) coo a picnic or other gathering at which fish are fried and eaten 2) coo fried fish • Etymology: 1815–25, amer … From formal English to slang
fish fry — ☆ fish fry n. a picnic or cookout where fried fish is prepared and eaten … English World dictionary
Fish fry — A fish fry is a meal usually consisting of battered and fried fish, french fries, coleslaw, hushpuppies, lemon slices, tartar sauce, malt vinegar and dessert. Usually served on Friday nights during Lent as a restaurant special; often served all… … Wikipedia
fish fry — noun a cookout where fried fish is the main course • Hypernyms: ↑cookout * * * noun 1. : a picnic at which fish are caught, fried, and eaten; also : an indoor supper at which fish are fried and eaten … Useful english dictionary
fish fry — n. to have a fish fry * * * [ fɪʃfraɪ] to have a fish fry … Combinatory dictionary
fish fry — {n.} An outdoor party or picnic at which fish are fried and eaten. * /The guests at the fish fry caught and cooked their own fish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
fish fry — {n.} An outdoor party or picnic at which fish are fried and eaten. * /The guests at the fish fry caught and cooked their own fish./ … Dictionary of American idioms
fish\ fry — noun An outdoor party or picnic at which fish are fried and eaten. The guests at the fish fry caught and cooked their own fish … Словарь американских идиом
fish fry — 1) an indoor or outdoor party where fish and seafoods are cooked and eaten 2) fried fish 3) fry or young fish … Dictionary of ichthyology