- fish bowl
- стеклянная емкость для химической обработки (деталей)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fish|bowl — «FIHSH BOHL», noun. 1. a glass bowl for keeping and displaying live fish. 2. anything resembling a fishbowl. 3. Figurative: »“Can t conduct diplomacy in a fishbowl,” the Secretary said (Atlantic) … Useful english dictionary
Fish bowl granuloma — Localized nodular skin inflammation (small reddish raised areas of skin) caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium marinum. Fish bowl granuloma is typically acquired by occupational or recreational exposure to salt or fresh water, often… … Medical dictionary
fish bowl — noun 1. a state of affairs in which you have no privacy the president lives in a goldfish bowl • Syn: ↑goldfish bowl, ↑fishbowl • Hypernyms: ↑situation, ↑state of affairs 2. a transparent bowl in which small fish are kept … Useful english dictionary
fish bowl — noun a) a low, broad transparent bowl in which fish are kept in a domestic environment b) any place that lacks privacy Syn: goldfish bowl … Wiktionary
fish bowl — 1) a round glass bowl used for keeping ornamental or pet fish 2) a situation where one s activities are constantly observed, scrutinised, commented on, etc 3) jail … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish-bowl — 1) a round glass bowl used for keeping ornamental or pet fish 2) a situation where one s activities are constantly observed, scrutinised, commented on, etc 3) jail … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish·bowl — /ˈfısˌboʊl/ noun, pl bowls [count] 1 : a bowl used for keeping live fish 2 chiefly US : a place or condition in which there is no privacy Being a politician these days means living in a fishbowl–every part of your life is open to public view … Useful english dictionary
Granuloma, fish bowl — Localized nodular skin inflammation (small reddish raised areas of skin) caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium marinum. Fish bowl granuloma is typically acquired by occupational or recreational exposure to salt or fresh water, often… … Medical dictionary
fish bowl granuloma — localised nodular skin inflammation (small reddish raised areas of skin) caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium marinum. Usually acquired by occupational or recreational exposure to salt or fresh water, often resulting from minor trauma during… … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish-bowl granuloma — localised nodular skin inflammation (small reddish raised areas of skin) caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium marinum. Usually acquired by occupational or recreational exposure to salt or fresh water, often resulting from minor trauma during… … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish — 1. n. & v. n. (pl. same or fishes) 1 a vertebrate cold blooded animal with gills and fins living wholly in water. 2 any animal living wholly in water, e.g. cuttlefish, shellfish, jellyfish. 3 the flesh of fish as food. 4 colloq. a person… … Useful english dictionary