first-order interaction

first-order interaction
1) парное взаимодействие
2) взаимодействие двух факторов
3) взаимодействие первого порядка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "first-order interaction" в других словарях:

  • Interaction design — (IxD) is the discipline of defining the behavior of products and systems that a user can interact with. The practice typically centers around complex technology systems such as software, mobile devices, and other electronic devices. However, it… …   Wikipedia

  • First Bulgarian Empire — Първo българско царство Părvo Bălgarsko Tsarstvo ← …   Wikipedia

  • First Persian invasion of Greece — Part of the Greco Persian Wars …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations — This article is about the indigenous peoples of Canada. For other indigenous peoples, see Indigenous peoples by geographic regions. First Nations …   Wikipedia

  • Order of acquisition — Main article: Second language acquisition The order of acquisition is a concept in language acquisition that all learners of a given language will learn the grammatical features of that language in roughly the same order. This phenomenon has been …   Wikipedia

  • First-generation programming language — A first generation programming language is a machine level programming language.Originally, no translator was used to compile or assemble the first generation language. The first generation programming instructions were entered through the front… …   Wikipedia

  • Spin-orbit interaction — In quantum physics, the spin orbit interaction (also called spin orbit effect or spin orbit coupling ) is any interaction of a particle s spin with its motion. The first and best known example of this is that spin orbit interaction causes shifts… …   Wikipedia

  • 3D Interaction — occurs when users are able to move and perform interaction in 3D space. Human machine interaction requires that both human and machine receive and process information, and then present the output of that processing to each other. Humans perform… …   Wikipedia

  • Automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay — The automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay is part of the computational particle physics branch. It refers to computing tools that help calculating the complex particle interactions as studied in high energy physics, astroparticle …   Wikipedia

  • Parasocial interaction — (or para social relationship) is a term used by a social scientist to describe one sided, parasocial interpersonal relationships in which one party knows a great deal about the other, but the other does not. The most common form of such… …   Wikipedia

  • Physiological interaction — goes beyond the physical interfaces that a computer has, which would include the input and output devices. Physiological interfaces actually secure and use real body characteristics, including breathing, talking, and height and weight. Some of… …   Wikipedia

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