Смотреть что такое "first-look" в других словарях:
First Look — First Look*First Look (News Program) First Look is a news program on MSNBC. *First Look (Second Life Viewer) First Look is a viewer for Second Life *First look deal A deal with a production company to get a first look at a script … Wikipedia
First Look (TV news program) — First Look is an early morning news program on MSNBC airing live at 5am. It s hosted by Christina Brown and Dan Kloeffler. First Look is about the same broadcast as Early Today on NBC with MSNBC added in. The program also repeats at 5:30am.… … Wikipedia
First look deal — A first look deal is an arrangement, usually in the film industry, where either a company or in some cases an individual enters into a commercial agreement with a studio under which they must allow the studio the right of first refusal in… … Wikipedia
First Look Film Festival — The First Look Film Festival is a film festival held in Denver, Colorado which screens short films from college students. It was started in 2001 by Wade Gardner and Joshua Weinberg, two film students at the University of Colorado at Denver. The… … Wikipedia
110 First Look — 110 First Look это 2,2 килограммовый разведывательный робот с габаритами 25х23х10 см. Он способен безболезненно падать с высоты 4,5 метра и погружаться в воду на глубину 90 см, способен преодолевать невысокие преграды и залезать… … Википедия
First Look Studios — that specializes in home video releases of films and TV series.Films* Steve Balderson s Firecracker (2005 film) * An American Crime * Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters * Dedication * Infinity * Paris, je t aime * Smiley Face *… … Wikipedia
Look and Read — is a BBC television programme for primary schools, aimed at improving children s literacy skills. The programme presents fictional stories in a serial format, the first of which was broadcast in 1967 and the most recent in 2004, making it the… … Wikipedia
look — I (complexion) noun appearance, aspect, bearing, cast, color, complexion, condition, configuration, countenance, demeanor, deportment, fashion, feature, figure, front, general aspect, guise, idea, impression, manner, mien, presence, quality,… … Law dictionary
first glimpse — first look, first sighting … English contemporary dictionary
first glance — first look; initial inclination … English contemporary dictionary
Look Around You — Series 1 logo Genre Comedy Format Science Parody, Satire Cr … Wikipedia