- first-fruits
- ˈfə:stfru:ts сущ.;
мн. первые плоды тж. перен. n pl первые плоды
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
FIRST FRUITS — FIRST FRUITS, that portion of the fruits of each year s harvest that following the biblical injunction was to be taken to the Temple in Jerusalem. In the Bible The Hebrew term bikkurim and related terms for the first fruits derive from the same… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
First Fruits — are a religious offering of the first agricultural produce of the harvest. In classical Greek, Roman, Hebrew and Christian religions, the first fruits were offered to the temple or church. First Fruits were often a primary source of income to… … Wikipedia
First-Fruits — • First fruit offerings are designated in the Law by a threefold name: Bíkkûrîm, Reshîth, and Terûmôth Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. First Fruits First Fruits … Catholic encyclopedia
First fruits — First First (f[ e]rst), a. [OE. first, furst, AS. fyrst; akin to Icel. fyrstr, Sw. & Dan. f[ o]rste, OHG. furist, G. f[ u]rst prince; a superlatiye form of E. for, fore. See {For}, {Fore}, and cf. {Formeer}, {Foremost}.] 1. Preceding all others… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
first-fruits — firstˈ fruitˈ or first fruitsˈ noun 1. The fruits first gathered in a season 2. First products or effects of anything 3. Payment in the form of first crops of a season, or annates, to a superior • • • Main Entry: ↑first first fruits see under… … Useful english dictionary
first fruits — n [plural] BrE the first good result of something first fruits of ▪ the first fruits of the government s privatization policy … Dictionary of contemporary English
first fruits — noun plural the first successful results of an activity … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
first fruits — first′ fruits′ n. pl. 1) agr. the earliest fruit of the season 2) the first products or results of anything • Etymology: 1350–1400 … From formal English to slang
first fruits — n. [orig. transl. of Vulg. primitiae: see Ex. 23:16] 1. the earliest produce of the season 2. the first products, results, or profits of any activity … English World dictionary
First-fruits — The first fruits of the ground were offered unto God just as the first born of man and animals. The law required, 1) That on the morrow after the Passover Sabbath a sheaf of new corn should be waved by the priest before the altar (Lev.… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
first fruits — 1. the earliest fruit of the season. 2. the first product or result of anything. [1350 1400; ME] * * * first fruits UK US noun [plural] the first successful results of an activity Thesaurus: general words for results and outcomessynonym * * *… … Useful english dictionary