first-class ticket
Смотреть что такое "first-class ticket" в других словарях:
first class — first class1 noun uncount * 1. ) the best and most expensive seats on an airplane or train, or the best and most expensive ACCOMMODATION (=place to sleep) on a ship: He s sitting in first class. 2. ) the class of mail that is used for sending… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
first class — I UK / US noun [uncountable] * 1) tourism the best and most expensive seats on a plane or train, or the best and most expensive accommodation (= place to sleep) on a ship He s sitting in first class. 2) the class of post that is more expensive… … English dictionary
ˌfirst ˈclass — noun [U] I 1) the most expensive and most comfortable way to travel on a plane, train, or ship 2) the class of post that is the quickest and most expensive II adj ˌfirst ˈclass 1) of the best quality, or of the highest standard first class… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
first-class — /ˌfɜ:st klɑ:s/ adjective top quality or most expensive ● He is a first class accountant. ■ noun, adverb (the type of travel or type of hotel which is) most expensive and comfortable ● to travel first class ● First class travel provides the best… … Dictionary of banking and finance
First class travel — First class is the most luxurious class of accommodation on a train, passenger ship, airplane, or other conveyance. [first class. (n.d.). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved October 19, 2007, from… … Wikipedia
first-class — I. adj 1. Of the highest class or best kind; excellent; first rate. Jane did a first class job of repairing the coat. It was a first class TV program. Compare: top notch 2. Of the best or most expensive class of travelling. Mr. Jones bought a… … Словарь американских идиом
first-class(1) — {adj.} 1. Of the highest class or best kind; excellent; first rate. * /Jane did a first class job of repairing the coat./ * /It was a first class TV program./ Compare: TOP NOTCH. 2. Of the best or most expensive class of travelling. * /Mr. Jones… … Dictionary of American idioms
first-class(1) — {adj.} 1. Of the highest class or best kind; excellent; first rate. * /Jane did a first class job of repairing the coat./ * /It was a first class TV program./ Compare: TOP NOTCH. 2. Of the best or most expensive class of travelling. * /Mr. Jones… … Dictionary of American idioms
first-class — Of the most superior or excellent grade or kind; belonging to the head or chief or numerically precedent of several classes into which the general subject is divided; e.g. first class mail, first class airline ticket … Black's law dictionary
first-class — Of the most superior or excellent grade or kind; belonging to the head or chief or numerically precedent of several classes into which the general subject is divided; e.g. first class mail, first class airline ticket … Black's law dictionary
first-class — adj. First class is used with these nouns: ↑carriage, ↑compartment, ↑cricket, ↑degree, ↑education, ↑facility, ↑fare, ↑honour, ↑hotel, ↑lounge, ↑mail, ↑ … Collocations dictionary