firing order
Смотреть что такое "firing order" в других словарях:
firing order — n. the order in which explosions occur in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine * * * … Universalium
firing order — n. the order in which explosions occur in the cylinders of an internal combustion engine … English World dictionary
Firing order — The firing order is the sequence of power delivery of each cylinder in a multi cylinder reciprocating engine. This is achieved by sparking of the spark plugs in a gasoline engine in the correct order, or by the sequence of fuel injection in a… … Wikipedia
firing order — noun : the order in which the several cylinders of an internal combustion engine are sparked and fired * * * firing order noun (motoring) The sequence in which the cylinders of a multi cylinder combustion engine fire • • • Main Entry: ↑fire … Useful english dictionary
firing order — The sequence or order in which cylinders must be fired: 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4, etc. It differs from the cylinder sequence which starts with cylinder number one and goes to the last cylinder: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 … Dictionary of automotive terms
firing order — i. The sequence in which rockets or other weapons are released or fired from their launcher. ii. The sequence in which piston engine cylinders fire, invariably in the sequence 1 3 4 2 … Aviation dictionary
firing order — /ˈfaɪərɪŋ ɔdə/ (say fuyuhring awduh) noun the sequence in which the cylinders of an internal combustion engine fire …
artillery firing order — artilerijos šaudymo tvarka statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nustatytas šaudančių pabūklų skaičius, šaudymo eiliškumas ir sparta. Atliekant ugnies uždavinius, šaudoma ↑pavieniais šūviais, ↑tolygine ugnimi, ↑tankiąja ugnimi ir ↑salvėmis.… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
firing procedure — artilerijos šaudymo tvarka statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nustatytas šaudančių pabūklų skaičius, šaudymo eiliškumas ir sparta. Atliekant ugnies uždavinius, šaudoma ↑pavieniais šūviais, ↑tolygine ugnimi, ↑tankiąja ugnimi ir ↑salvėmis.… … Artilerijos terminų žodynas
order — See firing order … Dictionary of automotive terms
Firing — refers to a decision made by an employer to terminate employment. Though such a decision can be made by an employer for a variety of reasons, ranging from an economic downturn to performance related problems on the part of the employee, being… … Wikipedia