Смотреть что такое "fire-warden" в других словарях:
fire-warden — fireˈ warden noun (N American) An official responsible for the prevention and extinction of fires • • • Main Entry: ↑fire … Useful english dictionary
fire warden — ☆ fire warden n. an official assigned to prevent or fight fires, as in a forest, logging operation, camp, or town * * * … Universalium
fire warden — ☆ fire warden n. an official assigned to prevent or fight fires, as in a forest, logging operation, camp, or town … English World dictionary
fire warden — fire marshal or warden Official whose duties include supervision of firefighting and fire prevention for a state, county, city or town … Black's law dictionary
fire warden — fire marshal or warden Official whose duties include supervision of firefighting and fire prevention for a state, county, city or town … Black's law dictionary
fire warden — noun an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest • Syn: ↑forest fire fighter, ↑ranger • Hypernyms: ↑official, ↑functionary, ↑fireman, ↑firefighter, ↑fire fighter, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
fire warden — n. warden who is responsible for managing and protecting a forest, ranger; forest firefighter … English contemporary dictionary
warden — [wôrd′ n] n. [ME wardein < NormFr, warden (for OFr gardien): see GUARDIAN] 1. a person who guards, or has charge of, something; keeper, custodian, or special supervisory official [fire warden, game warden] 2. the chief administrative official… … English World dictionary
fire — n. & v. n. 1 a the state or process of combustion, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and usu. give out bright light and heat. b the active principle operative in this. c flame or incandescence. 2 a conflagration, a… … Useful english dictionary
warden — wardenship, n. /wawr dn/, n. 1. a person charged with the care or custody of persons, animals, or things; keeper. 2. the chief administrative officer in charge of a prison. 3. any of various public officials charged with superintendence, as over… … Universalium
fire fighter — noun a member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires • Syn: ↑fireman, ↑firefighter, ↑fire eater • Hypernyms: ↑defender, ↑guardian, ↑protector, ↑shielder … Useful english dictionary