Смотреть что такое "fire-retardant" в других словарях:
fire retardant — fire re.tardant adj also fire retardant fire retardant materials or substances do not burn easily and are put on things to stop them from burning quickly ▪ furniture treated with fire retardant chemicals … Dictionary of contemporary English
fire retardant — n. a substance applied or added to materials or objects, so as to reduce combustibility or slow the spread of fire. PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fire-retardant — adj. able to reduce combustibility or slow the spread of fire; of substances that are added to combustible materials to make them less combustible. PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fire-retardant — fire re|tar|dant [ faır rı,tardnt ] adjective fire retardant cloth has chemicals in it that make it difficult to burn … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Fire retardant — A fire retardant is a substance that helps to delay or prevent combustion. Fire retardants are commonly used in fire fighting. Water is the most commonly used fire retardant, but the phrase typically refers to chemical retardants. It can also… … Wikipedia
fire-retardant — ADJ Fire retardant substances make the thing that they are applied to burn more slowly. The landing strip was coated with fire retardant foam. Syn: flame retardant … English dictionary
fire retardant — antipirenas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiaga, didinanti organinės kilmės medžiagos atsparumą degimui. atitikmenys: angl. antipyrene; fire retardant; fire retarder; flame retardant; flame retarder; flammable inhibitor rus. антипирен;… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
fire-retardant — UK [ˈfaɪə(r) rɪˌtɑː(r)d(ə)nt] / US [ˈfaɪr rɪˌtard(ə)nt] adjective fire retardant cloth has chemicals in it that make it difficult to burn … English dictionary
fire retardant — noun : a substance that is fire retardant … Useful english dictionary
Fire Retardant Fabrics — are textiles that are naturally more resistant to fire than others through chemical threatment or manufactured fireproof fibers. Terminology and test limitationsThe term fire retardant as applied to organic (i.e., containing carbon) materials, is … Wikipedia
Fire-retardant gel — (also known as fire blocking gel, fire protection gel, anti fire gel and by a number of trade names) is a liquid concentrate made of absorbent polymers that is sprayed through hoses and designed to protect structures and form firebreaks in… … Wikipedia