Смотреть что такое "fire-fight" в других словарях:
fire fight — n technical a short gun battle, involving soldiers or the police … Dictionary of contemporary English
fire|fight — «FYR FYT», noun. a military engagement between opponents who shoot at each other without either opponent making a direct assault on the other … Useful english dictionary
fire fight — noun : an exchange of fire between opposing military units as distinct from the fighting when the two forces close with each other (as during an assault) * * * fire fight UK US noun [countable] [singular fire fight plural fire fights] a fight in… … Useful english dictionary
fire fight — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms fire fight : singular fire fight plural fire fights a fight in which guns are used, involving soldiers or the police … English dictionary
fire´-fight´ing — fire fighting, 1. the act of putting out a fire. 2. the occupation of a fire fighter. –fire´ fight´ing, adjective … Useful english dictionary
fire-fight — / faɪə faɪt/ verb to fight bad publicity for a client ● The agency has done fire fighting work for the egg producers … Marketing dictionary in english
fire fight — noun (C) a short gun battle, involving soldiers or the police … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fire·fight — /ˈfajɚˌfaıt/ noun, pl fights [count] : a battle in which people shoot guns a firefight between police and bank robbers especially : a usually short and fast gunfight between opposing military units … Useful english dictionary
fire·fight·er — … Useful english dictionary
Fight Fire With Fire — Chanson par Metallica extrait de l’album Ride the Lightning Sortie 1984 Enregistrement 1984 au Sweet Silence Studios de Copenhagen, Danemark Durée 4:45 … Wikipédia en Français
Fight fire with fire — Chanson par Metallica extrait de l’album Ride the Lightning Sortie 1984 Enregistrement 1984 au Sweet Silence Studios de Copenhagen, Danemark Durée 4:45 … Wikipédia en Français