fire shot

fire shot
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Смотреть что такое "fire shot" в других словарях:

  • shot|fire — «SHOT FYR», intransitive verb, fired, fir|ing. Mining. to fire a blasting charge: »As detonator and high explosive are embedded in the borehole, shotfiring can be done entirely by electrical means (New Scientist) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fire discipline — is a system of communication in the military, primarily the Artillery. By definition, Fire Discipline is the language of fire control. It consists of words, phrases, rules, and conventions which have specific meanings and which result in some… …   Wikipedia

  • fire a shot across someone's — fire a shot across (someone s)/the bows slightly formal if you fire a shot across someone s bows, you do something in order to warn them that you will take strong action if they do not change their behaviour. Airline staff have fired a warning… …   New idioms dictionary

  • fire a shot across the bows — fire a shot across (someone s)/the bows slightly formal if you fire a shot across someone s bows, you do something in order to warn them that you will take strong action if they do not change their behaviour. Airline staff have fired a warning… …   New idioms dictionary

  • fire a shot across — (someone s)/the bows slightly formal if you fire a shot across someone s bows, you do something in order to warn them that you will take strong action if they do not change their behaviour. Airline staff have fired a warning shot across the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Fire in the hole — is a standard warning, used in many countries in the world, indicating that an explosive detonation in a confined space is imminent. It originated with miners, who needed to warn their fellows that a charge had been set. The first cannons were… …   Wikipedia

  • Shot of Love — Shot of Love …   Википедия

  • Fire and Ice — may refer to:In books and literature* Fire and Ice (poem), a 1920 poem by Robert Frost * Fire and Ice (Warriors), a 2003 novel in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter * Fire and Ice , a 1976 biography of Revlon founder Charles Revson by Andrew… …   Wikipedia

  • Fire By Nite — was a popular Christian based youth video club and internationally syndicated television program staring Chris Theis, and various other actors and comedians. The program was produced by Willie George Ministries and Church on the Move in Tulsa,… …   Wikipedia

  • fire — [fīr] n. [ME fyr < OE, akin to Ger feuer < IE base * pewōr > Gr pyra, PYRE, Czech pýř, glowing embers] 1. the active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion 2. fuel burning in a furnace, fireplace, etc. 3 …   English World dictionary

  • Shot of love — Album par Bob Dylan Sortie 10 août 1981 Enregistrement mars – mai 1981 Durée 40:15 Genre(s) rock chrétien Product …   Wikipédia en Français

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