finite-dimensional measure
Смотреть что такое "finite-dimensional measure" в других словарях:
Finite-dimensional distribution — In mathematics, finite dimensional distributions are a tool in the study of measures and stochastic processes. A lot of information can be gained by studying the projection of a measure (or process) onto a finite dimensional vector space (or… … Wikipedia
Measure (mathematics) — Informally, a measure has the property of being monotone in the sense that if A is a subset of B, the measure of A is less than or equal to the measure of B. Furthermore, the measure of the empty set is required to be 0. In mathematical analysis … Wikipedia
Dimensional analysis — In physics and all science, dimensional analysis is a tool to find or check relations among physical quantities by using their dimensions. The dimension of a physical quantity is the combination of the basic physical dimensions (usually mass,… … Wikipedia
Dimensional Fact Model — Data Warehouses (DWs) are databases used by decision makers to analyze the status and the development of an organization. DWs are based on large amounts of data integrated from heterogeneous sources into multidimensional databases, and they are… … Wikipedia
Finite strain theory — Continuum mechanics … Wikipedia
There is no infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure — In mathematics, it is a theorem that there is no analogue of Lebesgue measure on an infinite dimensional space. This fact forces mathematicians studying measure theory on infinite dimensional spaces to use other kinds of measures: often, the… … Wikipedia
Cylinder set measure — In mathematics, cylinder set measure (or promeasure, or premeasure, or quasi measure, or CSM) is a kind of prototype for a measure on an infinite dimensional vector space. An example is the Gaussian cylinder set measure on Hilbert space. Cylinder … Wikipedia
Hausdorff measure — In mathematics a Hausdorff measure is a type of outer measure, named for Felix Hausdorff, that assigns a number in [0,∞] to each set in R n or, more generally, in any metric space. The zero dimensional Hausdorff measure is the number of points in … Wikipedia
Gaussian measure — In mathematics, Gaussian measure is a Borel measure on finite dimensional Euclidean space R n , closely related to the normal distribution in statistics. There is also a generalization to infinite dimensional spaces. Gaussian measures are named… … Wikipedia
Σ-finite measure — In mathematics, a positive (or signed) measure mu; defined on a sigma; algebra Sigma; of subsets of a set X is called finite, if mu;( X ) is a finite real number (rather than ∞). The measure mu; is called σ finite, if X is the countable union of… … Wikipedia
Transverse measure — In mathematics, a measure on a real vector space is said to be transverse to a given set if it assigns measure zero to every translate of that set, while assigning finite and positive (i.e. non zero) measure to some compact set.DefinitionLet V be … Wikipedia