finite intersection

finite intersection
мат. конечное пересечение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "finite intersection" в других словарях:

  • Finite intersection property — In general topology, the finite intersection property is a property of a collection of subsets of a set X . A collection has this property if the intersection over any finite subcollection of the collection is nonempty.DefinitionLet X be a set… …   Wikipedia

  • finite intersection property — Math. the property of a collection of nonempty sets in which the intersections of all possible finite numbers of the sets each contain at least one element. * * * …   Universalium

  • finite intersection property — Math. the property of a collection of nonempty sets in which the intersections of all possible finite numbers of the sets each contain at least one element …   Useful english dictionary

  • Finite set — In mathematics, a set is called finite if there is a bijection between the set and some set of the form {1, 2, ..., n} where n is a natural number. (The value n = 0 is allowed; that is, the empty set is finite.) An infinite set is a set which is… …   Wikipedia

  • Finite topological space — In mathematics, a finite topological space is a topological space for which the underlying point set is finite. That is, it is a topological space for which there are only finitely many points.While topology is mostly interesting only for… …   Wikipedia

  • Intersection theory (mathematics) — In mathematics, intersection theory is a branch of algebraic geometry, where subvarieties are intersected on an algebraic variety, and of algebraic topology, where intersections are computed within the cohomology ring. The theory for varieties is …   Wikipedia

  • Finite state transducer — A finite state transducer (FST) is a finite state machine with two tapes: an input tape and an output tape. This contrasts with an ordinary finite state automaton (or finite state acceptor), which has a single tape. OverviewAn automaton can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Finite geometry — A finite geometry is any geometric system that has only a finite number of points. Euclidean geometry, for example, is not finite, because a Euclidean line contains infinitely many points, in fact precisely the same number of points as there are… …   Wikipedia

  • Intersection homology — In topology, a branch of mathematics, intersection homology is an analogue of singular homology especially well suited for the study of singular spaces, discovered by Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson in the fall of 1974 and developed by them… …   Wikipedia

  • Intersection number (graph theory) — In the mathematical field of graph theory, the intersection number of a graph is the smallest number of elements in a representation of G as an intersection graph of finite sets. Equivalently, it is the smallest number of cliques needed to cover… …   Wikipedia

  • Intersection of a polyhedron with a line — In general, a convex polyhedron is defined as the intersection of a finite number of halfspaces. That is, a convex polyhedron is the set of solutions of a system of inequations of the form :Ax le b. There are many problems in which it is useful… …   Wikipedia

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