fining agent

fining agent

1. сил, осветлитель 2, оклеивающее вещество, "клей" (для осветления соков, вин, пива)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fining agent" в других словарях:

  • fining — /ˈfaɪnɪŋ/ (say fuyning) noun 1. the process by which fused glass becomes free from undissolved gases. 2. the process of clarifying a wine or spirit by adding an agent, usually a naturally occurring substance such as egg white, skim milk or… …  

  • Clarification and stabilization of wine — The winemaking process naturally produces sediments that can precipitate out of the wine. The clarification and stabilization of wine in winemaking involves removing insoluble and suspended materials. The insoluble material causes a wine to be… …   Wikipedia

  • wine — wineless, adj. winish, adj. /wuyn/, n., adj., v., wined, wining. n. 1. the fermented juice of grapes, made in many varieties, such as red, white, sweet, dry, still, and sparkling, for use as a beverage, in cooking, in religious rites, etc., and… …   Universalium

  • Chitosan — Other names Poliglusam; Deacetylchitin; Poly (D)glucosamine Identifiers …   Wikipedia

  • Isinglass — is a substance obtained from the swimbladders of fish (especially Beluga sturgeon); used mainly for the clarification of wine and beer, it is a form of collagen. Use in foods and drinks Prior to the inexpensive production of gelatin and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Vegan wine — is wine made without animal products. As such it can be part of a vegan diet. While wine is essentially made from grapes, on occasion animal products are used in small amounts in the production process. Wineries might use animal derived products… …   Wikipedia

  • Bright beer — The bright tanks of the Appalachian Brewing Company Bright beer is beer in which yeast is no longer in suspension. There are several methods used for clearing yeast from beer, from waiting for the yeast to drop of its own accord ( dropping bright …   Wikipedia

  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone — IUPAC name Polyvinylpyrrolidone …   Wikipedia

  • Gelatin — (also gelatine, from French gélatine ) is a translucent, colourless, brittle, nearly tasteless solid substance, extracted from the collagen inside animals connective tissue. It has been commonly used as a gelling agent in food, pharmaceutical,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sodium sulfate — Other names …   Wikipedia

  • Algaculture — is a form of aquaculture involving the farming of species of algae. The majority of algae that are intentionally cultivated fall into the category of microalgae (also referred to as phytoplankton, microphytes, or planktonic algae). Macroalgae,… …   Wikipedia

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