- finicky
- ˈfɪnɪkɪ = finical
(неодобрительно) разборчивый, придирчивый;
на него не угодишь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
finicky — index meticulous, particular (exacting), precise, punctilious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
finicky — 1825, dainty, mincing, from finical too particular (1590s), perhaps from fine (adj.) + ICAL (Cf. ical) as in cynical, ironical. The k between the final c and a suffix beginning in i, y, or e is an orthographic rule to mark the pronunciation of c… … Etymology dictionary
finicky — finicky, finicking, finical particular, fussy, fastidious, *nice, dainty, squeamish, persnickety, pernickety Analogous words: exacting, demanding (see DEMAND vb): captious, carping, hypercritical, Critical: meticulous, punctilious, Careful:… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
finicky — [adj] overparticular choosy, critical, dainty, difficult, fastidious, finical, finicking, fussbudget*, fussy, hard to please, nice, nit picking, overnice, persnickety*, picky, scrupulous, squeamish, stickling; concepts 401,404,556 Ant. easy, open … New thesaurus
finicky — ► ADJECTIVE 1) fussy. 2) excessively detailed or elaborate. DERIVATIVES finickiness noun … English terms dictionary
finicky — [fin′ik ē] adj. [< FINICKING] too particular or exacting; overly dainty or fastidious; fussy finickiness n … English World dictionary
finicky — fin|i|cky [ˈfınıki] adj [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: finical finicky (16 20 centuries), probably from FINE1] 1.) too concerned with unimportant details and small things that you like or dislike = ↑fussy ▪ She s very finicky about what she eats. 2.)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
finicky — UK [ˈfɪnɪkɪ] / US adjective Word forms finicky : adjective finicky comparative finickier superlative finickiest 1) liking things only when they are correct in every detail Some children are finicky eaters. 2) more complicated than necessary and… … English dictionary
finicky — adjective Etymology: alteration of finicking Date: circa 1825 1. extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards < a finicky eater > 2. requiring much care, precision, or attentive effort < a finicky recipe > •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
finicky — adjective a) Fastidious and fussy; difficult to please; exacting, especially about details. The baby was finicky until her diaper was changed. b) Demanding, requiring above normal care. The lawnmower is a bit finicky in cold weather. Syn … Wiktionary
finicky — adj. finicky about * * * [ fɪnɪkɪ] finicky about … Combinatory dictionary