fingerprint system

fingerprint system
система контроля отпечатков пальцев (биометрическое средство защиты вычислительных систем)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fingerprint system" в других словарях:

  • Fingerprint Verification Competition — (FVC) is an international competition focused on fingerprint verification software assessment. A subset of fingerprint impressions acquired with various sensors was provided to registered participants, to allow them to adjust the parameters of… …   Wikipedia

  • Fingerprint — This article is about human fingerprints. For other uses, see Fingerprint (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • fingerprint — /fing geuhr print /, n. 1. an impression of the markings of the inner surface of the last joint of the thumb or other finger. 2. such an impression made with ink for purposes of identification. 3. any unique or distinctive pattern that presents… …   Universalium

  • Fingerprint (computing) — In computer science, a fingerprinting algorithm is a procedure that maps an arbitrarily large data item (such as a computer file) to a much shorter bit string, its fingerprint, that uniquely identifies the original data for all practical… …   Wikipedia

  • Fingerprint SDK — A fingerprint SDK is a software toolkit that allows the integration of biometric fingerprint recognition into various applications. They will typically utilize either DLL or ActiveX (COM) to interface with the integrated application. By… …   Wikipedia

  • fingerprint — 1. An impression of the inked bulb of the distal phalanx of a finger, showing the configuration of the surface ridges, used as a means of identification. SEE ALSO: dermatoglyphics, Galton system of …   Medical dictionary

  • system — 1. [TA] A consistent and complex whole made up of correlated and semiindependent parts. A complex of functionally related anatomic structures. 2. The entire organism seen as a complex organization of parts. 3. Any complex of structures… …   Medical dictionary

  • Microsoft Fingerprint Reader — Exterior of Fingerprint Reader Microsoft Fingerprint Reader was a device that was sold by Microsoft primarily targeted at home and small business users which is currently discontinued. The underlying software providing the biometrics was… …   Wikipedia

  • Henry Classification System — The Henry Classification System is a long standing method by which fingerprints are sorted by physiological characteristics for one to many searching. Developed by Sir Edward Henry in the late 1800s for criminal investigations in British India,… …   Wikipedia

  • Automated fingerprint identification — is the process of automatically matching one or many unknown fingerprints against a database of known and unknown prints. Automated fingerprint identification systems are primarily used by law enforcement agencies for criminal identification… …   Wikipedia

  • Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System — The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) is a national automated fingerprint identification and criminal history system maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). IAFIS provides automated fingerprint search …   Wikipedia

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