finger valve
Смотреть что такое "finger valve" в других словарях:
finger fracture — n valvulotomy of the mitral commissures performed by a finger thrust through the valve compare DISSECTION (1b) … Medical dictionary
finger fracture — noun medicine : a breaking of the fibers of the mitral commissure to relieve stenosis of the mitral valve that is performed by a finger thrust through the valve compare commissurotomy … Useful english dictionary
Continuous variable valve timing — offers a unique ability to have independent control of the intake and exhaust valves in an internal combustion engine. For any engine load criteria, the timing of intake and exhaust can be independently programmed [1]. The main variations of… … Wikipedia
Needle valve — Giffard steam water injector (B needle valve). A needle valve … Wikipedia
To turn around one's finger — Turn Turn (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vienna valve trombone — Vienna valve trombones use Vienna Valves which were one of the earliest valve systems used in wind instruments. These valves were first publicly reported in 1815 and valved trombones were first introduced in the late 1830s. HistoryThe Vienna… … Wikipedia
Stop valve — Stop Stop, n. 1. The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction. [1913 Webster] It is doubtful . . . whether it contributed anything to the stop of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
butterfly valve — [1] A nut with wings to be turned by thumb and finger. Sometimes called a wing nut. [1] A small metal disc located in the carburetor that controls the flow of air into the carburetor. It is so named due to its resemblance to the insect of the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Model aircraft — A die cast Boeing 747 400 model. Model aircraft are flying or non flying models of existing or imaginary aircraft using a variety of materials including plastic, diecast metal, polystyrene, balsa wood, foam and fibreglass. Flying designs range… … Wikipedia
Brass instrument — A brass instrument is a musical instrument whose tone is produced by vibration of the lips as the player blows into a tubular resonator. They are also called labrosones , literally meaning lip vibrated instruments (Baines, 1993).There are two… … Wikipedia
wind instrument — /wind/ a musical instrument sounded by the breath or other air current, as the trumpet, trombone, clarinet, or flute. [1575 85] * * * ▪ music Introduction any musical instrument that uses air as the primary vibrating medium for the… … Universalium