finger spacing
Смотреть что такое "finger spacing" в других словарях:
Finger joint — or box combing A finger joint or comb joint is a woodworking joint made by cutting a set of complementary rectangular cuts in two pieces of wood, which are then glued. To visualize a finger joint simply interlock the fingers of your hands at a… … Wikipedia
Finger Lakes — The Finger Lakes are a chain of lakes in the west central section of Upstate New York that are a popular tourist destination. There are actually eleven lakes in the region, but only seven of the largest are commonly identified as the Finger Lakes … Wikipedia
Zinc finger chimera — Zinc finger protein chimera are chimeric proteins composed of a DNA binding zinc finger protein domain and another domain through which the protein exerts its effect. The effector domain may be a transcriptional activator (A) or repressor… … Wikipedia
Point distribution model — The point distribution model is a model for representing the mean geometry of a shape and some statistical modes of geometric variation inferred from a training set of shapes. It has been developed by Cootes, [citation author = T. F. Cootes title … Wikipedia
Simple system flute — The simple system flute or German Flute is an obsolete orchestral instrument that was replaced by the Boehm System flute.The simple system flute had a cylindrical head joint, and a reverse tapered body. The six main finger holes were heavily… … Wikipedia
зазор садки сырца огнеупорного изделия — Промежуток между рядами сырца огнеупорного изделия в садке, необходимый для циркуляции печных газов. [ГОСТ Р 52918 2008] Тематики огнеупоры EN finger spacing … Справочник технического переводчика
Violin — Infobox Instrument name=Violin names=Fiddle, de: Violine or Geige, fr: Violon, it: Violino classification=String instrument (bowed) range= related= *Violin family (viola, cello) *Viol family (includes double bass) musicians= *List of violinists… … Wikipedia
Typewriter — Mechanical desktop typewriters, such as this Underwood Five, were long time standards of government agencies, newsrooms, and offices … Wikipedia
Optacon — The Optacon (OPtical to TActile CONverter)[1] is an electromechanical device that enables blind people to read printed material that has not been transcribed into Braille. Contents 1 Description 2 History … Wikipedia
RSF1 — Remodeling and spacing factor 1, also known as RSF1, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: RSF1 remodeling and spacing factor 1| url = Cmd=ShowDetailView TermToSearch=51773| accessdate =… … Wikipedia
Go equipment — refers to the objects which are necessary in order to play the game of Go. Although the equipment is simple, there is a varying degree of quality and material used in making the equipment, from the economical to the extremely valuable. HistoryThe … Wikipedia