finger food
Смотреть что такое "finger food" в других словарях:
finger food — n. a food or foods intended to be eaten with the fingers, as hors d oeuvres served at a cocktail party or fried chicken at a picnic … English World dictionary
Finger food — Afternoon tea finger foods Finger food being served … Wikipedia
Finger-Food — Fin|ger|food, Fin|ger Food [ fɪŋgɐfu:d ], das; [s] [engl. finger food, zu finger = Finger u. food = Essen, Nahrung]: Gesamtheit der Speisen, die so zubereitet sind, dass sie [auf Partys od. Empfängen] ohne Besteck [mit den Fingern] zum Mund… … Universal-Lexikon
finger food — noun food to be eaten with the fingers • Hypernyms: ↑nutriment, ↑nourishment, ↑nutrition, ↑sustenance, ↑aliment, ↑alimentation, ↑victuals * * * noun, pl ⋯ foods [count, noncount] US … Useful english dictionary
finger food — noun Food that can be eaten with ones hands, as opposed to requiring utensils; often appetizers and snacks. He didnt serve a full lunch or dinner at the party, but there was plenty of finger food to munch … Wiktionary
finger food — food intended to be picked up with the fingers and eaten. * * * … Universalium
finger food — fin′ger food n. coo food intended to be eaten with the fingers … From formal English to slang
finger food — /ˈfɪŋgə fud/ (say fingguh foohd) noun 1. food suitable for eating without utensils, such as savouries, dips, canapés, etc. 2. pieces of food which have been cut to a size and shape suitable for a young child to pick up with their fingers …
Finger-Food — D✓Fịn|ger|food, Fịn|ger Food, das; ] (ohne Besteck zu essende Speisen) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
finger food — noun Date: 1928 a food that is to be held with the fingers for eating … New Collegiate Dictionary
finger food — noun food served in a form that can conveniently be eaten with the fingers … English new terms dictionary