fine topology

fine topology
мат. тонкая топология

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fine topology" в других словарях:

  • Fine topology (potential theory) — In mathematics, in the field of potential theory, the fine topology is a natural topology for setting the study of subharmonic functions. In the earliest studies of subharmonic functions, only smooth functions were considered, namely those for… …   Wikipedia

  • Fine — may be: * An adjective meaning attractive, sexy, physically attractive, beautiful etc.Legal* Fine (penalty), financial punishment * Fine of lands, an obsolete type of land conveyance * Fine on alienation, money paid to the lord by a tenant when… …   Wikipedia

  • Geospatial topology — Topology In a Geographic Information System GIS, topology is a set of rules which define the relationship between points, lines, and polygons. ESRI enables topology generation within their geodatabase feature classes. Network topology explores… …   Wikipedia

  • Grothendieck topology — In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a Grothendieck topology is a structure on a category C which makes the objects of C act like the open sets of a topological space. A category together with a choice of Grothendieck topology is called a …   Wikipedia

  • Order topology — In mathematics, an order topology is a certain topology that can be defined on any totally ordered set. It is a natural generalization of the topology of the real numbers to arbitrary totally ordered sets. If X is a totally ordered set, the order …   Wikipedia

  • Operator topology — In the mathematical field of functional analysis there are several standard topologies which are given to the algebra B(H) of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H. Contents 1 Introduction 2 List of topologies on B(H) 3 …   Wikipedia

  • Product topology — In topology and related areas of mathematics, a product space is the cartesian product of a family of topological spaces equipped with a natural topology called the product topology. This topology differs from another, perhaps more obvious,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lebesgue spine — In mathematics, in the area of potential theory, a Lebesgue spine or Lebesgue thorn is a type of set used for discussing solutions to the Dirichlet problem and related problems of potential theory. The Lebesgue spine was introduced in 1912 by… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (F) — NOTOC F F₄ F algebra F coalgebra F distribution F divergence Fσ set F space F test F theory F. and M. Riesz theorem F1 Score Faà di Bruno s formula Face (geometry) Face configuration Face diagonal Facet (mathematics) Facetting… …   Wikipedia

  • Subharmonic function — In mathematics, subharmonic and superharmonic functions are important classes of functions used extensively in partial differential equations, complex analysis and potential theory. Intuitively, subharmonic functions are related to convex… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniformizable space — In mathematics, a topological space X is uniformizable if there exists a uniform structure on X which induces the topology of X . Equivalently, X is uniformizable if and only if it is homeomorphic to a uniform space (equipped with the topology… …   Wikipedia

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