find out

find out
узнать, разузнать, выяснить;
раскрыть (обман, тайну) to find out the truth ≈ узнать правду to find smb. out ≈ разоблачить кого-л. to find out for oneselfдобраться до истины Syn : pry, worm out разузнать, выяснить - to * smb.'s name and occupation узнать чью-л. фамилию и профессию - * when he will come разузнай, когда он придет - we found out that he was gone мы узнали, что он уехал - I have found out all about it я все выяснил - can you * when he is likely to arrive? вы не могли бы выяснить /выясните, пожалуйста/, когда он может приехать? раскрыть (обман, тайну) ;
разгадать (загадку) - to * the truth узнать правду, найти истину разоблачить, уличить (кого-л.) - he has been found out его разоблачили - to find smb. out in a lie поймать кого-л. на лжи, уличить кого-л. во лжи > one's sin(s) will find one out преступление, совершенное человеком, когда-нибудь раскроется

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "find out" в других словарях:

  • find out — ► find out 1) discover (information, a fact, etc). 2) detect (someone) in a crime or lie. Main Entry: ↑find …   English terms dictionary

  • find out — index ascertain, detect, discover, disinter, overhear, solve Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • find out — [v] discover, learn ascertain, catch, catch on, detect, determine, disclose, divine, expose, hear, identify, note, observe, perceive, realize, reveal, see, uncover, unearth, unmask; concepts 31,183 Ant. conceal, cover, hide …   New thesaurus

  • find out — verb 1. establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study (Freq. 33) find the product of two numbers The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize • Syn: ↑determine, ↑find, ↑ascertain • Der …   Useful english dictionary

  • find out — phrasal verb Word forms find out : present tense I/you/we/they find out he/she/it finds out present participle finding out past tense found out past participle found out 1) [intransitive/transitive] to discover a fact or piece of information We… …   English dictionary

  • find out — v. 1) (D; intr.) to find out about (we found out about the accident yesterday) 2) (D; intr.) to find out for (she found out about the concert for me) 3) (D; intr.) to find out from (we found out from the reporter that the fire had been started by …   Combinatory dictionary

  • find out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you find something out, you learn something that you did not already know, especially by making a deliberate effort to do so. [V P wh] It makes you want to watch the next episode to find out what s going to happen... [V P that] …   English dictionary

  • find out — Synonyms and related words: answer, ascertain, assure, be informed, become acquainted with, bottom, broaden the mind, catch on, certify, cinch, clear up, clinch, crack, cram the mind, debug, decide, decipher, decode, determine, discover,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • find out — {v.} 1. To learn or discover (something you did not know before.) * /One morning the baby found out for the first time that she could walk./ * /I don t know how this car works, but I ll soon find out./ * /He watched the birds to find out where… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • find out — {v.} 1. To learn or discover (something you did not know before.) * /One morning the baby found out for the first time that she could walk./ * /I don t know how this car works, but I ll soon find out./ * /He watched the birds to find out where… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • find\ out — v 1. To learn or discover (something you did not know before.) One morning the baby found out for the first time that she could walk. I don t know how this car works, but I ll soon find out. He watched the birds to find out where they go. Mary… …   Словарь американских идиом

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