financial practice
Смотреть что такое "financial practice" в других словарях:
Financial adviser — Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract Salary Wage Em … Wikipedia
Financial history of the Dutch Republic — describes the history of the interrelated development of financial institutions in the Dutch Republic. The rapid economic development of the country after the Dutch Revolt in the years 1585 1620, described in Economic History of the Netherlands… … Wikipedia
Financial modeling — is the task of building an abstract representation (a model) of a financial decision making situation.[1] This is a mathematical model designed to represent (a simplified version of) the performance of a financial asset or a portfolio, of a… … Wikipedia
Practice management — software (PMS) is a category of software that deals with the day to day operations of a medical practice. Such software frequently allows users to capture patient demographics, schedule appointments, maintain lists of insurance payers, perform… … Wikipedia
Financial risk management — is the practice of creating economic value in a firm by using financial instruments to manage exposure to risk, particularly Credit risk and market risk. Other types include Foreign exchange, Shape, Volatility, Sector, Liquidity, Inflation risks … Wikipedia
Financial astrology — (also known as business astrology, economic astrology, and/or astro economics) is the practice of relating/correlating the movements of celestial bodies to events in financial markets. Financial astrology can be applied in the following ways: * 1 … Wikipedia
Practice-based commissioning — (PBC) is a United Kingdom Department of Health initiative designed to target financial drivers towards primary care. PBC is about engaging practices and other primary care professionals with the NHS (National Health Service) commissioning of… … Wikipedia
Financial Domination — also known as Money Slavery supposedly involves a submissive (usually a male) who becomes a financial servant to another person (usually a female). There can also be other relationships involved such as Male to Male, Female to Female or even in… … Wikipedia
Financial economics — is the branch of economics concerned with the allocation and deployment of economic resources, both spatially and across time, in an uncertain environment [ prizes/economics/laureates/1997/merton lecture.pdf] .It is… … Wikipedia
Financial intelligence — (FININT) is the gathering of information about the financial affairs of entities of interest, to understand their nature and capabilities, and predict their intentions. Generally the term applies in the context of law enforcement and related… … Wikipedia
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 — Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) USA Also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. The GLBA repealed provisions of the Banking Act of 1933 (Glass Steagall Act) which prohibited one institution from acting as an investment bank,… … Law dictionary