- finance house
- англ.
1) финансовая компания;
2) компания по финансированию покупок в рассрочку
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
finance house — ➔ house * * * finance house UK US noun [C] UK FINANCE ► a company that provides loans and other types of credit, especially to buy goods: »The corporate finance house has raised more than £120 million for various clients in the past 12 months … Financial and business terms
finance house — finance company or finance house noun A company specializing in lending money against collateral, esp to finance hire purchase agreements • • • Main Entry: ↑finance * * * ˈfinance company [finance company] (BrE also … Useful english dictionary
finance house — a financial institution that is not a bank or building society and that provides credit to finance personal or corporate acquisitions of property. Many finance houses specialise in the financing of purchases of consumer goods on hire purchase;… … Law dictionary
finance house — An organization, many of which are owned by commercial banks, that provides finance for hire purchase or leasing agreements. A consumer, who buys an expensive item (such as a car) from a trader and does not wish to pay cash, enters into a hire… … Accounting dictionary
finance house — An organization, many of which are owned by commercial banks, that provides finance for hire purchase or leasing agreements. A consumer, who buys an expensive item (such as a car) from a trader and does not wish to pay cash, enters into a hire… … Big dictionary of business and management
finance house deposits — /ˌfaɪnæns haυs dɪˌpɒzɪts/ plural noun amounts of money deposited by banks with finance houses and used by them to provide hire purchase loans to clients … Dictionary of banking and finance
Kuwait Finance House — (KFH) was established in the State of Kuwait in 1977, as the first bank operating in accordance with the Islamic Shari a.* www.kfh.com Kuwait Finance House Kuwait Finance House (KFH) was established in the State of Kuwait in 1977, as the first… … Wikipedia
Gulf Finance House — est une banque d investissement islamique bahreïnienne, et faisant partie de l indice S P/IFCG Extended Frontier 150, représentant la performance de 150 des principales capitalisations boursières des marchés frontières. Sommaire 1 Historique 2… … Wikipédia en Français
Finance Islamique — La finance islamique, en accord avec le droit musulman, est basée sur deux principes : l interdiction de l intérêt, aussi appelé usure et la responsabilité sociale de l investissement. Elle lie plus étroitement la rentabilité financière d un … Wikipédia en Français
finance lease — see lease Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. finance lease … Law dictionary
finance company — finance .company AmE [ US .ˈ. ˌ...] n finance .house [.ˈ. .] BrE a company that lends money, especially to businesses … Dictionary of contemporary English