finance by loans

finance by loans
финансировать путем кредитования Syn : finance by borrowing

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "finance by loans" в других словарях:

  • finance — / faɪnæns/ noun 1. money used by a company, provided by the shareholders or by loans ● Where will they get the necessary finance for the project? 2. money (used by a club, local authority, etc.) ● She is the secretary of the local authority… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • finance — / faɪnæns/ noun money used by a company, provided by the shareholders or by loans ● Where will they get the necessary finance for the project? ■ verb to provide money to pay for something ● They plan to finance the operation with short term loans …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • finance house — ➔ house * * * finance house UK US noun [C] UK FINANCE ► a company that provides loans and other types of credit, especially to buy goods: »The corporate finance house has raised more than £120 million for various clients in the past 12 months …   Financial and business terms

  • finance company — an institution engaged in such specialized forms of financing as purchasing accounts receivable, extending credit to retailers and manufacturers, discounting installment contracts, and granting loans with goods as security. [1925 30] * * *… …   Universalium

  • finance — financeable adj. /fi nans , fuy nans/, n., v., financed, financing. n. 1. the management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally, esp. those affecting the public, as in the fields of banking and investment. 2. finances …   Universalium

  • Finance Department, Kerala — HistoryThe British Resident and Dewan, Col. John Munro, and Her Highness Rani Lakshmi Bai, as part of their reform and modernization of Kerala s administration between 1811 and 1814, had framed some of the major departments of the Secretariat… …   Wikipedia

  • Finance — For the Slovenian newspaper, see Finance (newspaper). Finance Financial markets …   Wikipedia

  • finance company — noun a financial institution (often affiliated with a holding company or manufacturer) that makes loans to individuals or businesses • Hypernyms: ↑nondepository financial institution • Hyponyms: ↑consumer finance company, ↑small loan company,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • finance company — A company whose business and primary function is to make loans to individuals, while not receiving deposits like a bank. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * finance company finance company ➔ company * * * finance company UK US noun [C] FINANCE ► …   Financial and business terms

  • finance company — Non bank company that makes loans to individuals and businesses. Its capital comes from banks and other financial institutions and money markets rather than from deposits. The primary types of finance companies are: consumer (or small loan)… …   Black's law dictionary

  • finance company — Non bank company that makes loans to individuals and businesses. Its capital comes from banks and other financial institutions and money markets rather than from deposits. The primary types of finance companies are: consumer (or small loan)… …   Black's law dictionary

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