- final stress
1. предварительное напряжение с учетом потерь (в железобетоне)
2. рабочее напряжение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Stress (biological) — Stress is a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. [ The Stress of Life , Hans Selye, 1956.] … Wikipedia
Stress (linguistics) — In linguistics, stress is the relative emphasis that may be given to certain syllables in a word. The term is also used for similar patterns of phonetic prominence inside syllables. The word accent is sometimes also used with this sense.Types of… … Wikipedia
Stress (biology) — This article is about the concept of stress in relation to biology. . For the concept of stress in physics and mechanics, see Stress (mechanics). Stress is a term in psychology and biology, borrowed from physics and engineering and first used in… … Wikipedia
Secondary stress — is the weaker of two degrees of stress in the pronunciation of a word; the stronger degree of stress is called primary . The symbol for secondary stress is a short vertical line preceding and at the foot of the stressed syllable: IPA|… … Wikipedia
Critical incident stress management — (CISM) is an adaptive short term helping process that focuses solely on an immediate and identifiable problem. It spans pre incident preparedness to acute crisis to post crisis follow up. Its stated purpose is to enable people to return to their… … Wikipedia
Critical Incident Stress Management — is an adaptive short term helping process that focuses solely on an immediate and identifiable problem to enable the individual(s) affected to return to their daily routine(s) more quickly and with a lessened likelihood of experiencing post… … Wikipedia
doubling of final consonants in inflection — The table below explains the differing practice in English shown by the forms hotter, enrolled, offered, targeted, in which the root word (hot, enrol, offer, target) ends in a single consonant. Practice can also differ with the same word in BrE… … Modern English usage
Initial-stress-derived noun — Initial stress derivation is a phonological process in English, wherein stress is moved to the first syllable of any of several dozen verbs when they become nouns or adjectives. This is called a suprafix in linguistics. It is gradually becoming… … Wikipedia
Combat stress reaction — Shell shock and shell shocked redirect here. For other uses, see Shell shock (disambiguation). Image from World War I taken in an Australian dressing station near Ypres in 1917. The wounded soldier in the lower left of the photo has a dazed… … Wikipedia
Holmes and Rahe stress scale — The Holmes and Rahe stress scale is a list of 41 stressful life events that can contribute to illness. DevelopmentIn 1967, psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe examined the medical records of over 5,000 medical patients as a way to… … Wikipedia
Characters of Final Fantasy X and X-2 — Main characters of Final Fantasy X as shown from left to right: Kimahri Ronso, Rikku, Auron, Yuna, Lulu, Tidus and Wakka … Wikipedia